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It is now the second day I'm sick. It's ten in the morning. Ugh. I should be in school. But instead i literally just got up. Izzy is probably at school and Zayn too. Shit. I have no one to talk to. Do anything with. Ugh. Now i lie in bed as i sigh. I reach for the clicker to my tv. Yes, i have a tv in my room. So what. I get what i want. As i flip through channels i hear footsteps. Oh my shit who is that! I can barely move as they come closer and closer to my door. And as m door opens i jump under the covers like they are some kind of protection. "I have a pillow and I'm not afraid to use it!" I shout as i peek out.

Only to see Zayn rushing towards me as i squeal. "Ahh. Oh my gosh Zayn." I say as i fling the blanket off my head. "Sh. It's fine it's just me." He says as i calm down. "Obviously dumb ass." I yell as he backs away. Putting his head down. Now i feel bad. I just haven't gotten used to the fact that he is very fragile yet i guess. "Look you just startled me." I say as he looks up a little. His innocent eyes like a microwave making me melt.

"It's fine. Do you need anything." He murmurs walking out. "Um. A glass of juice would be nice." I say softly. My stomach kicks in again and it hurts like hell. All of the sudden i feel the urge to go. So i limp out of bed and to the bathroom.

Only to come out even more in pain. Cause of f#cking course. It's that time of the month for me. I can't just have the the flu, I've got to have my period too. "Great." I say aloud. "What's the matter?" Zayn asks as he walks into my room with my juice. "Oh. Uh i have something else hurting is all." I answer. "Cause of course i gotta have it when I'm sick." I getting frustrated. "Oh." Zayn says knowingly. "I get you. Sorry, bout that." He says as i become puzzled. Even though you know all boys find out sooner or later, how can he guess so freakin quick. "How did you guess so quick?" I ask puzzled still.

"Oh. Um, i had a um, sister." He says as i stop everything I'm doing. "What. You, had a freakin sister." I say as he nods. "Yeah, uh. She...she died." He stutters trying to hold back tears. "And, um. S-she ya know was a girl so. Yeah she died cause, cause c-cancer two year ago." He finishes as i wipe back a tear. Yes, even i am crying. "Damn. I'm so sorry. Why was she older then you or something?" I ask as he shakes his head no. "No she was the girl i always used to hang out with two years ago. Everyone said she was my friend." He says as i recall the beautiful girl he used always be with.

"Oh. I remember her. She was very beautiful. She looked alot like you." I comment as he smiles. "Yeah she was. And that would be because we were twins." He says, a tear running down his tan cheek. "I'm so sorry Zayn." I say as i get up and hug him. "Now if you don't want my shitty hug just tell me and I'll stop." I say as he chuckles. "No. It's fine." He says as i feel better now that i made him smile.

"Now. Do you wanna watch a movie with me or do your own thing?" I question as he grins. "Well. If i could watch a movie it would be awesome." He says overjoyed and smiling widely. "Then sit down boy. And let's watch a freakin ass movie." I say as he sits on the edge of my bed with me.


Well, we had to pause the three movies we watched a bunch cause i had to puke but hey, he enjoyed them. "Another?" He asked as i yawned. It's only two in the afternoon and i'm so damn tired. "Wow you love movies. Jeez." I say as he blushes and looks down shyly. "Well you see i don't have a tv, except in my dad's room. And he never lets me in there." He says as i frown. "No damn tv. How do you live?" I say as he shrugs. "You get used to it." He says as i drop the subject. He was almost making me feel guilty.

"Well i guess then watch as many as you want more downstairs in the family room. But i'm taking a nap. I'm so f#ckimg tired." I say as he smirks. "Really. Thanks. " he says as he sits up and starts walking out. "Oh. Do you need anything." He asks concerned. I smile at his kindness. "No Zayn, go watch movies." I say as he says thanks again and goes out.

I smile to myself at how he was concerned about me. He's sweet.

After Nap*

As i wake i look at m phone and it is seven at night. "What the hell." I say as i see how long I've slept. That has to be a world record of nap times. I think. Just then Zayn walks in with a bag from wal-mart. "What's up?" I ask as he walks over handing me the bag. I look in and it has chocolate, Doritos and other candy. "Oh my ginos, is this all for me." I ask as someone has never been so kind to me. "Uh, yeah. I know it isn't much but my sister, Nicole always loved that stuff when on her, you know." He says as he scratches the back of his neck. "Zayn, this is the most caring thing anyone's ever done for me." I say as i start tearing up. I always get like this during my period. I just can't help it.

"Your just being so nice and, and I'm such a f#cking mess." I sob uncontrollably. Wow i am a mess. He chuckles a little and comes over hugging me. I hug him back. "Oh i just was being nice. You don't have to cry about it." He says as i hug him tighter. "Yeah it's just that my mum and dad you know they buy me stuff but they don't care. They just do it cause it's my birthday or whatever, you know." I sob into his shoulder. "Well your welcome honestly i love to make you happy." He says as i smile. "That's so sweet." I say breaking into tears again. He smiles and hugs me more.

"Well. I think your still really tired so, get some rest princess. He says as i yawn. He is right I'm still so tired. But my side aches. "Yeah, but Zayn can you get me some pain killers?" I ask as he nods. And goes to get some.

Zayn p.o.v. (yay)

I go to get her some pain killer. Oh my gosh. She was so cute with all her stress talk and she just was so cute. For the past few weeks she has been trying to get closer to me. Why? Why she is so popular, she has everything at school, and she wants to know more about me. I chuckle to myself as i walk up the stairs. She is a one and only. She is so punk, yet cute when being punk. Don't worry yeah, yeah. I already know there will never be a 'we' but there's no harm in liking her a bit. She would never like me, I'm a piece of trash compared to everyone else. Just like my dad says.

As i get to her room i smile as i see her red puffy eyes are already closed and her breathing is light and steady. And every once in a while she will sigh and it is so cute. Oh well. I might as well leave these on her bedside and watch something since both Zia and Izzy are now napping.

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