I'm here

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You were sleeping on the couch sleeping. While Mark was still up going through social media.
Mark seemed to noticed you weren't as peaceful like you usually were when you were asleep.
Your face was all scrunched up, your body in a ball position.

Mark shifted you closer to him and wrapped his arm around you. Your face got less scrunched.
He leaned down and kissed you gently.
It calmed you down for awhile. He went back to his phone for awhile.

Mark started to hear soft whimpering. He looked down to see you softly crying in your sleep. He set his phone down, and shifted you even closer to him.
"Y/N. Wake up." He said sternly and yet sweetly, trying to startle you too much.
Your cries and whimpering started to get more louder.
Mark started to shake your arm, still speaking and trying to wake you up. "Sweetie. Wake up."
He kept trying and trying for a few minutes.

You suddenly sat up, panting still crying. Looking around frantically.
"Hey hey hey" Mark said sweetly. He grabbed your hands. You looked at him.
Even more tears came pouring out. You clung to his torso, and sobbed.
He wrapped his arms around you. Gently rocking you side to side.
"Nightmare?" Mark asked gently. Rubbing your back.
"Y-ya-yah" you said struggling to speak.
"Do you wanna tell me?" He asked.
"Y-Yo-You broke u-up with m-me, and l-left me f-fore-forever... Y-You said th-that I didn't mean an-anything.. Lef-left me for an-another girl, who wa-was way prettier than I-I was." You stuttered with tears still coming down your face.
Mark looked at you with the saddest look in his eyes.
"I would never, Y/N you mean the world to me. You make me smile when I'm feeling down. You make me feel needed. You make me laugh, when you're acting goofy. Everything about you makes me smile. I would never break up with you. I love you way too much. It was just a nightmare, sweetie." He said still rocking you back and forth, giving you kisses on the cheek every and now and then.

After 20 minutes of breathing in and out, trying to calm down. You finally can speak without stuttering.
"That was my worst nightmare" you whispered.
"Mine too." He replied, still holding you tightly.
"I'm here." He whispered in your ear, "I will never leave you" he kissed your head.

"I love you" You whispered.
"I love you too. I'll always be here." He gave you a peck on your lips, and snuggled close. You wrapped your arms around his torso, tightly. Never wanting to let go.
"My prince" you smiled.
"My princess" he gave another kiss, "goodnight"
"Goodnight" you squeezed him one last time, before drifting off to sleep with Mark.

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