Dozens of Roses

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- M A R K -

Today is a special day. It is Y/n and I's second year of her dealing with my goofy shitty self!

It's our anniversary.

I wake up to see her sleeping like Sleeping Beauty, I moved a strand of hair out of her face. I looked at the time, 6:21 am. I got up quickly and quietly to not disturb her but it wouldn't matter anyway, she's a heavy sleeper.

I snatched a piece of paper and a pen. I wrote down a little note for Y/n. I was going to get her gifts for our anniversary, even though she repeatedly said not to because she doesn't like me "wasting" money on her.

But I don't care, my princess has to be showered in my love, so this is one way I can show it.

I set the note down on her bedside table, kissed her forehead and walked out of the room.

- Y o u -

I sat up slowly, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. I noticed Mark wasn't in our bed, probably making videos it is probably 9 am.

I noticed a white piece of paper on my bedside table. I grabbed it and read it, my eyes moving side to side reading Mark's writing.

Hey sweetie,

I ran out to do a few errands but don't worry I left at 7am so I'll be back shortly with a few things that are...maybe...for you. XO

~Love Mark

"UGH Mark!" I drop the paper on our bed and stood up to do my morning business. I walked into the kitchen and started the coffee maker. I let Chica out, opened the curtains, every day morning stuff I do.

I grabbed my morning mug that said 'I hate mornings. Don't talk to me.' Which I found relatable and funny.

- time skip -

Mark came threw the front door and shouted, "HUN I NEED YOU TO SHUT AND COVER YOUR EYES!!" I hummed in confusion, "what?" He came up to me, "Please, Hun" I sighed and shut and covered my eye with my hands.

"Stand right there and don't peek!" His voice got more distant every word. I hear a lot of shuffling and bags.

"Mark I told you multiple times to not buy me stuff for our anniversary or at all!!" I exclaimed stilling covering my eyes like Mark asked me to. Mark scoffed, "why can't I? I just wanna shower my babygirl in love, what's so bad about that?"

He had to say it. He just had to say babygirl, that's my favorite pet name he calls me.

"...ugh fine, but they better not be super expensive!" I retorted. "Don't count on it." I could hear Mark's smirk through that sentence.

"Can I look now?" I asked aloud, directed towards Mark.
I could feel warm air fanning my face, Mark. He removed my hands and pushed me onto my back. He hovered over me, arms both on either side of my head. He grabbed my legs and wrapped them around his waist, instantly I wrapped my arms around his neck, combing my fingers through his hair.

Mark lightly purred. I smirked, I tugged his hair a bit as I did that, a low growl came from Mark. I snickered, "don't be a tease." Mark growled. "And if I don't?" Mark's staring got more intense as he leaned in, his lips overlapping mine.

It got intense so fast. His kisses led down from my lips to my jaw to my neck. He nuzzled his head in my neck, leaving kisses and a few nibbles from time to time.

It was getting to the good part, until it got interrupted by his phone ringing. He growled angrily. "Serious?" He pecked my lips as he got up and went to answer his phone.

"Jack?! What the fuck was so important? You practically just cockblocked me dude!!" Mark's loud whining made me laugh, I got up, ran into the kitchen.

"Thanks a lo- Hey, jackaboy! Eh nothing much. Huh? Yeah, you did cockblock Mark." I snickered as I was messing with my nails. Mark growled and pouted. "Ok I'll talk to you later, Mark's pouting and being a big baby. Haha yeah thanks man. Yeah talk to you later." I hung up and set the phone on the table. Mark just stared at me, arms folded, angrily pouting.

"Oh shut up. Quit being a big baby. We'll have more fun tonight." I winked as I walked over to the fridge. I glanced over at him, he was stunned. I snickered.

- time skip -

I stepped out of the bath, Mark drew for me. It was a relaxing bath. I dried off putting on a tank top and pj shorts. I opened the bathroom door, instantly hit with an amazing smell. I noticed on my bed, dozens of roses scattered upon our bed, and a note. I walked over and picked it up,

"Hey babygirl,

hope you had a relaxing bath. Come downstairs when you're done. XOXO

~ Mark ;)

"Mark?! You cooked dinner?! It smells delicious." I yelled as I walked down the hallway.

The living room was decorated with lit candles and dozens of roses and rose pedals everywhere. The lights were dim, the only lighting was from the dozens of candles.

I squealed when two arms snaked around my waist. A sexy low baritone voice spoke in my ear.

"Hey, baby-girl"

If Mark wasn't holding me, my knees would've dropped me. "H-hey babe. You cooked this? It smells amazing." I complimented his cooking, because he is a very amazing cook.

Mark led me to the table, I sat down. He set a plate of delicious food. I smiled hugely, on cue my stomach growled. "Dig in."

- time skip -

"Mark, dinner was amazing. Thank you so much." I smiled as I brought my dish to the sink.

"Anything for you, baby." He smiled, he sneakily went behind me, spun me around and picked me up by my waist. Instantly wrapping my legs around his waist and arms around his neck.

He growled as I tugged at his hair. I smirked, "oh you are so getting it." He growled, I silently gulped. He then carried me to our bedroom.

He set me gently on my back onto our bed, kissing my neck and collarbone. I moaned out, which made Mark motivated to continue. One by one he took off my clothing as I did to him.

"Happy Anniversary, babygirl."

"Happy Anniversary, babe."


HeYY? Here's this garbage. Some steamy scenes for ya 😏😂 idk what this is but here.

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