Complete Opposites pt. 2

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I'm going to semi-formal with the most popular jock and my crush; Mark.

~3rd period~
I walked into art class, it was my favorite class, I'm good at art. I sat in the far corner table like usual.

Mark walked in with a couple of his friends that are also on the football team. I smiled slightly and looked down to my sketchbook.

I started sketching, when I noticed a person sitting with me. I looked up to see Mark. I smiled, my face heating up instantly.

"H-Hi" I stuttered. Mark smiled, "Hey, you don't mind if I sit with you?"
"U-uh no, n-not at all" I answered.
Mark looked down at my sketchbook, "do you mind if I look?" Mark asked, his hand hovering over the desk, nearing toward my sketchbook.
I blushed, "uhh, I-I don't know..." I looked away.
The teacher called my name for attendance, "here" as I looked at the teacher for a mere second. I looked back at Mark to see him looking through my sketchbook!

"Y/N...these drawings...are they of me?" Mark asked. I hid my face in my hands, and hair.
"There amazing!" Mark exclaimed. I peeked through my hands, "t-they are?" I asked.
"Absolutely!" Mark kept staring at the sketch I did of him. He snapped a quick picture of it and handed back my book.

~time skip~

"So, Y/N what color is your dress going to be?" Mark asked as he was walking me home.
"" I asked.
"Oh, I was just wondering."

Mark and I have been texting the past hour or so.
We talked about each other to know more about each other. Mark has a golden retriever (is that what Chica is?) and her name is Chica! She's absolutely adorable!
Y: Chica is so adorable!
M: but not as adorable as you!
D-did he really just say that??!
Y: u-uh thank y-you..
M: No problem, beautiful ;)
H-Holy crap!! Is h-he flirting????!
M:I bet you'll look even more pretty at the dance.
Y: thank you...I bet you'll look great t-too!

~time skip~

Mark said he would be here in 15 minutes.
I'm not much of a make-up girl, but a little mascara and eyeliner wouldn't hurt, right?
I placed in my earrings, as I heard my doorbell ring. I ran down the stairs with my phone in hand and placed on my flats (or heels).
I opened the door to see Mark in a tux with a red tie.

"Woow, Y/N, you look stunning!" Mark complimented. I blushed deeply, "t-th-thank y-you, Mark. You look very h-handsome" I complimented back. Mark's cheeks turned a tiny of dark pink. Mark stuck his arm out, I wrapped my arms around it, and walked with him to his car.

He opened the passenger door for me, I got in, he closed the door, and went to the driver side, got in, closed the door, and drove off.
We arrived at the school parking lot. My hands were slightly shaky. I was so nervous. What would people say or think, seeing the most popular person with the least popular person going to semi-formal together??

I felt Mark's hand on top of mine, "hey, it's going to be alright" Mark gave a reassuring smile, which calmed me down a bit.
I took a deep breath, and smiled back.

We walked in, and some people stared, some glanced, and a lot of did dirty or disgusted looks. But, immediately stopped, I glanced at Mark, who was glaring at them.

"Do you want any fruit punch?" Mark offered, "uh y-yes please" I accepted, "okay, don't go anywhere, I'll go get you some" Mark walked off. I nodded, and went on my phone to pass the time.

It's been ten minutes. Where is he?? It shouldn't take this long. I walked over to the food/drink table to see Mark making out with his ex-girlfriend; Jenny!

Tears started to drop, I knew it was trick. How could I be so stupid?! I sped off, I'm out of here.
Mark must have saw me, "Y/N! Where are you going?? Wait!!" I started to run.
I was outside of school, by the far corner of the parking lot, catching my breath.

I hear Mark yelling my name again, I turned around to see him running towards me, I gasped and started running again.
"Y/N WAIT!!"

Hehe, cliffhanger. Don't worry there will be another part, I just wanted to update again, but there will be a part 3. See ya lovelies later! 👋🏻

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