[Who Killed Markiplier] "You promised..."

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(Who Killed Markiplier)
(Damien/Dark X Reader)
"Y/n! Please I didn't mean to do it!" Damien whispered as you backed away, terrified. He punched the wall right beside your head, leaving you terrified and unsafe. Damien was normally never this short-tempered.

"You can't keep losing your temper at me every time you get a bit upset- I can't do this right now. I'm going to Williams room till you sort yourself out..." You walked out of the room, leaving Damien alone.

You knocked lightly on the Colonel's door. Not a second later, the door flung open.

"O-oh hello Y/n, how can I help you, my dear?" William said to you. You suddenly just broke down.

"D-Damie-n l-lost hi-his temper ag-again- and hit the w-wall beside m-my head! Can I st-ay in here with y-you tonight?" You were clutching onto the Colonels arms for support. William was livid. Damien can hear you from his room and he was completely heartbroken for the state he's put you in...it was an accident... He didn't mean to.

- time skip -

William confronted Damien the next day for what he put you through. How he had to calm you down for almost two hours, until you were out of tears and fell asleep. Damien was devastated, and wanted to see you immediately to apologize.

Damien searched throughout the house for awhile, beginning to give up. When he find you out in the balcony, just staring out into space. Damien cleared his throat, you slightly jumped. You turned your head, already backing yourself away.

"Please Y/n... I didn't mean it... I know I've been scaring you lately, and I've come to apologize." You nodded.

"I love you my dear, and I'd never, ever hurt you! I've been learning to control my emotions better for you..." Damien inched closer and you stayed in your place.

"I promise Y/n. I won't ever hurt you or leave you. I love you." You nodded, a tear falling down your cheek. Damien caught it with the pad of his thumb and wiped it away. You engulfed him in a hug, "I love you too, Damien."

- time skip after Mark's death and body disappearing -

"Colonel, have you seen Damien?" You asked. You were devastated about Mark's death and confused on where the body has gone. You were mostly confused and concerned where Damien has gone off to.

"No, I haven't, my dear. Have you seen Celine? I haven't seen her or Damien in awhile." Your heart sunk. Your mind immediately going to the worse scenarios.

You begin to wandering throughout the house, when upstairs you heard Abe the Detective and The Colonel yelling. You immediately ran upstairs to them. They both had their guns, aimed at each other.

You slowly inched closer, speaking softly. "W-William put the g-gun down." He gripped tighter on his gun. "NO!"

You were inching closer to William. Your hand hovering over the gun, "Will, give me the gun please..." His finger pulled the trigger, shooting Abe, you grabbed the gun, but Will fought back until you heard the gun go off.

You look down at your hands to see them all bloody. Will gasped, "I d-didn't mean t-to! It was an a-accident!" He tried reaching for you, you backed up as you bumped into the railing, you fell over it falling to the ground. Last thing you saw was Will reaching out for you. The next thing you saw was blackness and you let it consume you.

Your eyes fluttered open, intense sunlight hitting you. 'How am I alive?'

You saw Will, he looked up. You backed away. "No wait! I won't hurt you!" He set down Damien's cane. (Idk the exact words but bare with me) "You're a-alive!" He stood up with you. He stared at you, choked up. "I didn't kill anybody... It was all a joke! O-Of course! Did Damien put you up to this? They must all be still alive!" He started walking around the house calling out for his friends. Thinking they were alive...

You walked up to Damien's cane, seeing your hand glitching out to more of a masculine hand. It looked like Damien's hand... You looked up to no longer seeing your reflection, but seeing this broken person that looked like Damien.

"...D-Damien?" You whispered.

Dark cracked his neck, next thing the mirror cracked too.

"Damien is no longer here. It's Dark, sweetheart. I am a combination of both Celine and Damien." Dark's voice ringed through your ears.

"C-can I speak to him?" You needed to hear his voice, one last time.

"Y-Y/n? Sweetheart?" Damien's voice sounded broken and distant. You nodded vigorously, tears surfacing.

"D-Damien...you promised me! You p-promised me, you'd never l-leave me!" You sobbed.

"I'm s-sorry Y/n- I have to go- I'll make it up to you! I'll revenge you, my dear."
His voice got more distant. "I love you..." Those were the last words you heard of Damien. You sobbed, "...I love you too..."

Dark came back as his face became soft, he looked at you with sadness, then he glared at you. Dark walked off leaving you.

"...he promised..."

Just note that I tried and did the story off memory. Hope you liked it.
Did I make any of you cry? :) Tell me in the comments! :)

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