The Secret

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Hopes P.O.V 

"Thats not possible, My mum is.. My mum is defiantly not you.. How can you even be my mum you look about 20?"

"Im older than I look, please Hope I know this is a lot to take in but I can explain to you the unanswered questions that you have been looking for"

"If you are my mum, then how did you just find me now, how did it take you fifteen years!"

"If you invite me in. I can explain it to you"

"Hell No, You don't get to waltz in here at eleven pm, tell me your my mum after fifteen years and....

"Hope, let Hayley in we need to explain things to you, Hayley you can come in." My mum said in her calm but you know she's getting annoyed voice. 

We sit down on the sofa, I found out that Hayley was a hybrid meaning she's part werewolf and part vampire. My mum brings two glasses of the blood we stole from the hospital and a cup of tea for herself. Hayley starts explaining everything and I feel like I'm prepared for anything apart from what comes next.....

Flashback 10 years ago

Hope sweetie, Im going to go and visit a witch to find a cure for your dear aunts and uncles will you be alright here with Mary?"

"Yes, mummy as long as you promise me we will go and get daddy soon"

"I promise, goodbye little wolf"


"Hello, you must be Hope, I'm Marcel, you shouldn't be out here all alone come with me and I'll help you"

"I was told not to talk to strangers, so I'll just stay here and wait for my mum"

"I'm not a stranger, Im a family friend"

"Well I suppose I could come for a day trip and come back before mum comes"

"By the time I got back you were gone and Marcel had already taken you away and made sure a locater spell would not be able to find you. I searched for you for years. Eventually I stopped but I never gave up hope, I knew you would eventually break free of whatever power blocking spell Marcel put on you  and I would be drawn to you. That is how I got here , I followed your sent. I know its a lot to take in but I can help now that you have taken human blood your transition back to a tribrid is complete and memories will come back and everything will become clear. We can go defeat Marcel and reunite our family and finally live the eternity we were meant to have. I can explain your family history later but for know I need you to trust me and help me!"

"Wait hold up, Im a supernatural tribrid meaning Im part vampire, part witch and part werewolf. My family are 1,000 years old and they are the first vampires in history, However my dad is the original hybrid because of a different father to the siblings. After Marcel went all evil vampire on our family, my day , Niklaus, sacrificed himself for his siblings, and nows he's Marcel's prisoner. Now you want me to get my power back so we can wake my family and go to New Orleans. Where Marcel is, Marcel being a ruthless beast who but can even kill an original!" 

"Yep that about sums it up"

"Wow it feels like I just walked into a twilight film." 

My Littlest Wolf - Hope MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now