Paying debts

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Hope's P.O.V

.....The Abattoir 

"Hope sweetie, Scooby-do gang to see you" Aunt Bex called from the entrance of my new room. Our family had finally moved into the compound and a remodel of my old room seemed like a good idea, especially since I hadn't been back in thirteen years, so  I was taking up residents in one of the many guest bedrooms. The king sized bed stood tall in the middle of the room, the silk floral covers clutching to by body as I lay wrapped up in the bed.

"Well tell them I will be down when I bloody am down" I said getting irritated at the fact the Mystics Falls gang was so incompetent of patience.

"Hope" My aunt warned glaring at me in maternal mode, "you made a promise to tell and you don't need me to tell you that promises need to be fulfilled" She continued, god I hate this families honourable nature.

I  cursed under my breath that I was getting up this early just quiet enough so she couldn't hear before dragging myself out of my luxurious bed and throwing on a jacket over my jogging bottoms and tshirt so I looked more presentable. I flung my hair behind my back before skipping down the stairs.

"Welcome" I said smiling  as I walked down the stairs of the compound. In the centre stood a crowd of supernatural creatures huddled together.

"Hope!!" Josie and Lizzie cheered before bombarding me with hugs.

"Girls" Caroline interrupted stopping the twins show of affection. "We are here on a mission, please go wait outside I don't know how this spell will go" miss perky said to the twins. The twins obeyed walking out of the compound with one final smile to me.

"Yeah sorry demon spawn we not here for a social call" Damon added but before he had a chance to finish the last word he was vamp sped against the wall by none other than my father.

"That's a shame Damon, it would have been fun kicking you arse for the entertainment" My father said still holding Damon by the throat, strong enough so the vampire was struggling to breathe.

"Klaus" Caroline said shocked at who stood in front of her. Although the Mystic Falls gang knew we had retrieved my father successfully they didn't exactly go out of there way for a chit chat with him. So this was Caroline's first time seeing my father in eons.

"Hello love" Klaus replied his usual British accent coming forward. He released Damon from his grasp and walked away from the limp vampire who was clutching his throat on the floor. "What's this business you have with my daughter" He asked as he put a protective hand on my shoulder.

"Did Hope not tell you?" Stefan asked frowning and confused. Dad looked down at me sternly before looking back up indicating for someone to continue.

"Hope has made a deal, saying that if we helped the Mikaelsons she would wake Elena from a curse placed on both myself and her" Bonnie informed, my dads smile spread across his face at the thought of me barging my way to get what I want.

"A Sleeping beauty curse Bon Bon" Damon added finally back on his feet form the attack.

"Well then off you pop" Dad said nudging  me in the direction of the group to get started on some witchy spells.

"Thanks for the help dad" I sarcastically said to my dad who was walking away from the confrontation. His Mikaelson smirk on show.

My Littlest Wolf - Hope MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now