Going Home

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........Salvatore Boarding House

Hope's P.O.V

"Jos...Josie" I quietly nudged the brunette twin who was sleeping beside me. I had stayed over at the Salvatore House after Ric's death but I awoke to find Lizzie gone. She was no where to be seen I had already searched for her up and down the boarding house, attempting to not awake Caroline, Damon or Stefan. 

"Hope....shh" Josie replied stirring quietly.

"JOSIE" Now fed up with playing it the nice way. 

"What!"Josie screamed jumping up out of bed. "Oh it's you!"She huffed before falling back on the bed and under the duvet..

"Not a morning person I guess" we bother chuckled. "It's Lizzie, she's gone. I can't find her anywhere" Now using my series tone.

"Did you look in one of the other rooms, she may have just wandered off" Josie suggested

'Oh nah.. I didn't think of that......of course I looked you idiot' I sarcastically replied.

"Okay..Okay lets go looking for her.She's probably just trying to deal with last night" Josie replied, now jumping out of bed and putting an oversized jumper and jogging bottoms over her pyjamas.

"Well It's a good thing she can't turn off her humanity' I joked trying to lighten up the situation.

"I think in her own way she has' Josie said acting really scared about what her sister could be doing right now. Josie quickly tied up her brown loose waves into a high pony tail and put on a pair of trainers gathering dust on the side. "Lets go, quickly" She said before rushing off down the stairs.


"Stefan I know its hard, and you especially find it hard to control it but I have kids who don't need their father figure to be ripping peoples heads off" We heard Caroline shout  from downstairs. 

"Look its not my fault it's Hope's. I was doing fine with controlling it, I hadn't had human blood in over a decade before she showed up, then I don't even get the chance to resist until she compelled  me" Stefan replied angrily. "How can she even compel vampires!" Stefan questioned.

"I don't know, she did the same to me when she found out about Elena" Caroline said now calmed down as was walking towards Stefan

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"I don't know, she did the same to me when she found out about Elena" Caroline said now calmed down as was walking towards Stefan. She put her arms around him and pulled him into a hug. "I know you can't control it but If I hadn't come down when I did, there would be a headless girl dead on our couch. What if the girls walked in to find it. Will you at least try...for me" She continued before placing her lips to his.

"EWW"Josie screamed making our presence known 

"Oh come on, who's ever heard of a vegetarian vampire. Human blood makes you stronger, you should be thanking me" I smirked. His reaction was exactly as I expected it, he lunged at me with his vampire face only to be helped back by Caroline.

My Littlest Wolf - Hope MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now