Just A Normal Day at School

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Hope's P.O.V

After Hayley dropped that big bombshell, my mum invited her to stay the night so that we can discuss this twisted story in the morning. I don't know how I should feel whether I should be amazed about my new discovered power or upset that my whole life was a lie. 

It was early in the morning and I really didn't feel like a heart to heart talk about supernatural history with my birth mum and my mum. It just didn't fell like the right time especially since I'm no morning person. When I got up I got ready, brushing my dirty blonde curly hair, In the mirror I looked carefully at my complexion each individual feature reminded me of the women who walked into our house last night. When I was ready I snuck out of the house, making  sure I made as little noise, but surprise surprise hybrids have great hearing. In a flash, Hayley was in front of me and convincing me  not to go to school, saying its too dangerous especially since my power in unfolding and is to powerful unless I learn how to control it, Blah, Blah, Blah Blah Blah.  I left anyway I wasn't going to stand here and listen to my mum go on about how powerful I am and thats its not safe for me. But if I was so powerful I could protect myself and I didn't need a hybrid babysitter.

When I arrived at school, knowing this new power felt amazing as I was on fire and I could do anything and no one could stop me. 

I met my friends just before first lesson, but I felt it, just like yesterday

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I met my friends just before first lesson, but I felt it, just like yesterday. The hunger, my  blood rushing through my veins scraping passed each other like sandpaper, because I was running out the door I forgot to grab a blood bag. Veins under my eyes were swelling up, I knew what I needed, I needed blood, but how would I get it its not like the school have a personal blood bank design specially for supernatural tribrids.  

My friends were oblivious, of course they were they still have a normal life without all this supernatural craziness. But I tried to act as normal as possible, which was pretty hard since the hunger was taking over me , I doubt I'll be able to survive without ripping someones head off. Behind me, I felt hands cover my eyes and turn me round. I new who's big goofy hand they were. My boyfriends. 

"Adam, where have you been, I have missed you"

"I missed you too Hope, I was thinking do you want to go on a date tonight?"

"err, I might be busy" 

"Oh come on we haven't had a date night in ages we could even do a double date" he pleaded and ask my bestfriend friend, Gracie and her boyfriend.

"Fine, you persuaded me!" What have I got myself into what if I go all vampire crazy on the date and end up killing all my friends.


I had to leave in first period because the cravings where to much, but surprise Adam comes up to me asking whats wrong. All I could focus on was the steady beating of his heart and the blood rushing through his veins, I needed to get out of here if I didn't want to hurt someone. 

"Please Adam, stay away I feel....sick, Just go back to class Ill be fine" I had to stop him coming near me if he did I don't know if I'll be able to control myself. He came closer, I couldn't control it. My only option was to compel him and make sure I stop before I kill him. I could stop! Couldn't I?

"Stay still, do not move and do not make a sound"

He obeyed and as I sank my fangs into his neck, the warm blood quenched my thirst. I knew I had to stop, I kept telling myself to stop, I just couldn't it was too good.

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My Littlest Wolf - Hope MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now