Learning From The Best

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Hope's P.O.V

I awoke, adjusting my vision. I could barely make out was right in front of me, it was all a blur. In a sudden moment I took a deep breath and jolted myself awake. I was chained down, unable to move. I could smell blood smeared over my body where wounds used to be, but have healed, my blood. My vision cleared and in front of me I saw my back-stabbing uncle and the Scooby-do gang staring at me.

'Take a picture it will last longer" I spat with disgust. How could he do this to me? We were family, I would expect this from the other residence of mystic falls but he knows what its like to be a Mikaelson. He has done much worse things than me. "What the hell did you do to me" I questioned, growling at them 

"He snapped your neck, hybrid princess" Damon chuckled, in a second he had vamped towards me and his hands were around my neck, strangling me.

"Damon, I would kindly advise you to take your hands of my niece"Kol warned, slowing placing his hand on Damon shoulder to advise him to leave me alone. "We don't want a repeat of what happened with the bat do we" Kol joked bearing his Mikaelson evil smirk.

"Look I'm not some circus act, if your going to kept me lock up here you might as well leave me alone" I said. "If you think this intervention will make me turn my humanity on, your deeply mistaken." I chuckled as Damon pulled away from my neck in defeat, scoffing and shrugging his shoulders. 

"You heard the lady out"Kol said motioning everyone out including himself and throwing me a blood bag before winking at me. I knew he was on my side!

Stefan's P.O.V

"What are we going to do with her, we can't keep her locked in our basement, the vervain and wolfsbane will wear of and she will easily break free" I asked Kol who had been lurking in our house for a while now.

"Trust me, miss no humanity is turning her humanity on today' Kol smirked as he walked out of the boring house and jumped into his black SUV leaving us to babysit the Tribrid. 

"Well, thats my cue, I should probably get going" Tyler stated as he swung his jacket on in one smooth motion and walked out of the house. Followed by Matt who hugged Caroline and Bonnie before saying goodbye. 

"Well, looks like its just us" Caroline said smiling.

"I'm going to leave too, I should probably go meet Enzo" Bonnie said smiling wearily. Still clutching at her neck as dark bruises covered it, from where Hope pinned her against the wall

"No, Bonnie you can't leave. You still haven't explained everything. I'm going out of my mind here" Caroline replied. Bonnie simply shrugged before leaving.

"Catch ya later bro and blondie. Have fun babysitting Klaus junior" Damon replied sarcastically waving goodbye and smirking.

"Where are you going" I replied.

"To get a drink and meet up with my drinking buddy" Damon said before slamming the door, leaving the echoing sound of the door closing bouncing of the wall. 

"Looks like its just us" Caroline said before walking towards me and placing her arms on my shoulders. In return I put my hands gently around her waist and pulled her closer towards me using my vampire speed. Are lips met and time stopped. It felt like time stood still and we were floating on cloud nine.

"Ewww, get a room" Someone shouted with disgust from the other side of the room.

"I think this is one" I replied sassily until I saw who it was.

"Hope, how are you out?" Caroline said almost taking the words out of my mouth. 

"Look, I would love to stay and chat up but I have things to do people to see" Hope chimed ignoring the question and slowly walking out and waving back at us.

My Littlest Wolf - Hope MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now