The Final Battle

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Hope's P.O.V

..........The Bayou

After the short lived family reunion and meeting auntie Bex and uncle K o,utside one of the tunnels that had lead the escape route we needed after our encounter with the beast Marcel we rushed of to the Bayou, my fathers hand locked tightly around mine protecting me, 

When we reached the Bayou it was eerily quite, no sound it sight. Not Damons snarky voice, not Josie and Lizzie's chatter or Bonnies witchy ju-joo. Silent.

"Now can I hug you" Rebekah said breaking the silence and emphasising the 'now' getting impatience, its never been her strong suit. Elijah held up his hand is pointer finger standing upright silencing her, at least I'm not the only one who has noticed the quiet. We all now were silence and once again I was pulled protectively behind my mother and father whilst the rest of the family looked around for Marcel minions.

"The Mikaelson's together again got to say it warms my heart...but I can't help but feel a bit insulted I didn't get an invite to this family gathering" A voice said from behind the trees. Out came Marcel, behind him was his little girlfriend Lousia and a witch with a bunch of wannabe originals. I went to say a snarky comeback but was stopped by my parents united.

"I thought we got rid of you" Kol scoffed mumbling under his breath but knowing that everyone could hear him with their vampire hearing.

"Yeah you did, think I've still got shards of Papa Tunde's blade wedged into my chest but you forgot to get rid of my body" Marcel answered. Well its a lesson learned: When committing revenge or murder, get rid or hide the body.

"Oh well lesson learnt" Freya answered

"So sister did my invite get lost in the mail" Marcel asked me

"Oh yeah maybe or maybe its just that I don't like you. You known considering you tried to kill not one not two but three of my family members, you left me fatherless for my entire childhood, kidnapped me from my mother for the other half or my childhood. Am I forgetting something, oh yeah your a wannabe original playing king of New Orleans with a bunch of pathetic newbie vampires who deserves everything he's going to get.

"Was that a threat dear sister" He laughed shrugging off my insults

"Oh Marcel, stop this your being ridiculous" Aunt Bex said stepping in between the slowly getting heated argument.

"If you don't want another arrow in your heart I suggest you steer clear " The girl next the Marcel ,Lousia, spat at Rebekah, jealousy probably her strong point.

"Marcel please, let us go for Hope's sake and yours" My mum said trying to persuade him

"I'm doing this for Hope, I was considered a Mikaelson and a lot of good it did me, she will be better without the Mikaelson name to herself" Marcel replied now calmed down.

"Oh for god sake, you were never a Mikaelson get over it. " (Sorry couldn't resist this quote probably was one of my favourite lines from this season;) ) Kol spat both Elijah and Klaus looked over unemotional.

"Klaus can never be a father to you Hope, your better off without him" Marcel said towards me

"Thats it.." I said before lunging at Marcel's girl minion and plunging me hand into her chest, a small tear escape her eye before I asked out her heart my arm now drenching in thick blood. Soon enough the other vampires retaliated and with help from my family who also did their fair share of heart pulling and head ripping we were standing in a pool of blood with the one standing survivor, Marcel. 

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