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Hope's P.O.V 

.....The Bayou 

"Hope your back where the bloody hell did you end up." I heard Rebekah call from the bayou. 

"What the hell were you thinking" Kol added in. I strolled into the forest to be bombarded with my whole family coming up and asking questions

"Come here" Freya said as she pulled me close into a hug, gently moving my hair out of my face acting as if I hadn't seen them in years. 

"I'm fine promise" I said as I finally got free of Freya's tight hug. Elijah then quickly ran out, probably because he feared of my return from the great dangers of Bourbon Street (hint the sarcasm)

"Hope, Hayley " He called only to be slightly worried and confused when he only saw me standing in the middle of the swamp

" Wait wheres mum" I said scared.

"Hope she went to find you. She went to confront Marcel he thought he had kidnapped you" Rebekah said sympathetically.

"I left Marcel hours ago after one of his vampire friends told him of our return to New Orleans anything could have happened between then and now." I said frantically.

Freya then rushed into the hovel where we were all staying. The Scooby-do gang and ourselves quickly followed behind and once we all were inside we quickly gathered around the table. Freya already started chanting something that was unrecognisable, quickly she grabbed my hand causing me to jump. She reached fro the blade beside her and quickly sliced a small cut along my palm, just enough to make my hand bleed. I winced slightly attempting to act strong and not notice. In minutes Freya lifted her head and the expression on her face told us, she knew where my mum was, with Marcel.

.............St Ann's Church 

"So where are we going?" I ask my Aunt Bex who had taken Stefan, Damon and myself to where she said we would be able to find Marcel. "I doubt Marcel is going to be asking forgiveness from God for his sins" I say as we walk into the church called St Ann's.

"Did I say we would find Marcel here, I meant we will find Marcel but not here" Aunt Bex replied smiling.

"Then what the bloody hell are we going here" I shouted, Rebekah only gave me a stern look at my use of language before tuning back round and continuing inside the church.

"This isn't any ordinary church " Rebekah started to say. When we were inside it was defiantly not like a regular church. The pews had been taken out, so had the alter and everything church related. Instead there was a bunch of punch bags, weights and even a giant fight ring. "It's Marcel's vampires training room"Rebekah finished saying. As soon as we entered the bunch of vampires that had been training turned around to us, growing. 

"Hello boys! I assume you know who I am" Rebekah said still smiling her evil smirk. One brave vampire vamp sped towards her but in a flash she had already taken his head off with her bare hands. "Now Scat !" Rebekah shouted causing all the vampires to run away, Aunt Bex still held the vampires head in her hands, his blood causing a red puddle to form beneath him. 

"Okay, blondie Klaus what are we doing here" Damon asked forgetting the fact there was a beheaded vampire laying at our feet. 

"We are training!" Aunt Rebekah said still smiling before throwing the head of the vampire into the corner and smearing the blood off her hands.

"We are what! My mum is being held hostage by Marcel and you want to play fight club" I said angrily at my aunt.

"Don't worry Hope, I'm going to go deal with Marcel whilst tweedledum and tweedledee help you train to fight Marcel" Aunt Bex said kissing me on the cheek and walking out of the old church.

My Littlest Wolf - Hope MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now