Bourbon Street

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Hope's P.O.V

"Hope...hope....HOPE" I could hear slowly getting louder. My vision still blurry from waking up, I adjusted my senses and looked around the small hut that my family had been resting in for the last two weeks.

"Okay I'm getting up calm down" I replied to my uncle Kol who was standing above me shouting my name to wake me up.

"We have visitors" He replied walking off

"Who would come visit us, everyone hates us. And when I say us I mean you" I insulted smiling my famous Mikaelson smirk.

"So who has come out to the swamp for a visit from the famous originals" I asked walking out. As I did I stood in front of the whole Mystic Fall gang: Caroline, Stefan, Damon, Josie and Lizzie. "Oh goodie you've arrived now we can get to killing and blood shed" I said smiling earning a disgust glare from Caroline and Stefan.

"Hope, thats not how we treat guests" My mum lectured. I smiled sweetly at my mum and uncle Elijah who were in the corner doing whats the word, canoodling.

"So little miss tribird what are we doing here" Damon asks once again using a nickname instead of my actual name.

"We are  going to kill Marcel with a little help from your supernatural abilities, a compelled vampire and my family." I continued. "Waits wheres my witch" I asked confused as I scanned around to find Bonnie Bennet. "Come out come out were ever you are Bennet" I said laughing at my own jokes.

"She didn't come Hope, last time she saw you, you tried to kill her. Oh and don't forget about the time you kidnapped her ,Hayley. I'm pretty sure you tried to kill her once more in-between though." Caroline replied being not-so little miss perky.

"Well looks like we will need a new witch." Rebekah said making her entrance known. Beside  her stood Freya and...Josh?

"We found a wanderer"Freya said probably to answer my confused face.

"Joshua how good of you to welcome us back"Elijah said in his old fashioned british accent walking over to Josh who looked scared out of his mind.

"I don't know why I'm here." Josh said still very confused. The powers of compulsion.

"Your here to welcome us and help us get my father back ,right?" I questioned walking over to Josh and patronise him by stroking my hand against his face.

"Wait no..." Josh started

"You will help us, you will tell us all Marcel's whereabouts and become an ally of the infamous Mikaelsons" I compelled him. He replied in monotone repeating and agreeing with everything I said. "Now thats sorted, Mum, uncles, aunts help make are guests welcome while I take the twins and my new buddy Josh into town" I bossed everyone around. My arm lay over Josh as I turned around and walked of with the dazed out vampire.

"Yes sir" Kol repeated saluting me off.

"Your not going into Marcels hunting grounds where he can easily kill you" My mum said. She vamp sped in front of my holding her hands out to stop me.

"Yes I am and FYI I'm unkillable. I am immortal" I said pushing my mums arms off my shoulder

"We don't know that. Marcel he's powerful he's more powerful than an original. Lucian was like him and he killed...."

"My uncle Finn and Cami, I know but I'm not them. I am a tribrid and I'm finally embracing that. I won't get hurt and if I do then I hope you bathe in that monsters blood." I said smiling at my mum. I could tell how worried she was, tears pricking in her eyes at the thought of losing me. I pulled her close are arms wrapped together,hugging. "I'll be fine. Love you ,goodbye" I said waving my hand saying goodbye to the bunch of supernatural that were here in the Bayou.

My Littlest Wolf - Hope MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now