It's all my fault

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Dear Diary 

It's been a few weeks since I turned my humanity back on but I am only just recently feeling myself again. 

Josie and Lizzie have been constantly on my case. Keeping an eye on me to see if I'll go off the rails, once again. My family have finally taken the hint and are not pressurising me into talking about my feelings, mum and uncle Elijah are back together and are not afraid to show it to everyone. Ewww. But Aunt Bex has been fun, when she's not with the sheriff Matt she hangs out with me or tags along with me and the twins when we go shopping. Uncle Kol has been overindulging in the vampire advantages but when he is not he's a great partner in crime. Aunt Freya has been making friends. Especially with Ric. Ric has been attempting to flirt with her to try and get back to normality amongst the mist of supernatural crazy but I can tell Freya is playing hard to get.

And me, well I've been grieving the human way.  Visiting Jamie's grave, reliving the memories I had with him and trying to have fun. I still get upset with Jamie but I've decided there is no point in focusing on the past instead I am coming up with a plan to kill Marcel. 

Freya's P.O.V

'Alaric what are you doing here" I said as I walked over to the doorway were the vampire hunter stood. 

"I thought I would take you on a date" He replied showing a bouquet of pink, purple and yellow flowers.

"Oh look at you being the handsome gentleman" I chuckled as I accepted the bouquet from him.

"So does me being a gentlemen guarantee me a date with a lovely immortal witch" He replied chuckling

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"So does me being a gentlemen guarantee me a date with a lovely immortal witch" He replied chuckling. I couldn't help but smile as he held out his hand for me to take it. Before I walked out of the door I shouted up to Hope who was probably hauled up in her room doing God knows what.

"Hope hun, I'm going out, call me if something happens."

"Ohh are you going out with Ric" She joked earning a scoff from me. "Have fun!!" She called just before I ran out the door with Ric on one hand.

........... Mystic Gril

"Out of all the places you could have taken me on a date, you picked this tacky place"

"Don't let the residence hear you. The Mystic Grill is probably the only lunch place that sells edible food" Ric replied laughing. He lead me to one of the booths that lay in the corner of the room before indicating with his arm fro me to sit down first.

"So what do you want to order" I said as we sat done and Ric handed me a menu. "What is actually edible on here" A huge grin appearing on both Ric and I's face as he put his arm around me pointing at the menu. "Well I'll have the burger and fries then" I replied before Ric walked over to the bar menu in hand.

Alaric was still at the bar when I heard a 'chime' come from my bag. I rummaged in my bag to retrieve my phone and the text message on it.

Tell Hope we have a message:

My Littlest Wolf - Hope MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now