The Awakening

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Third's Persons P.O.V

"Damon, I don't trust her!" Bonnie spoke, almost whispering in order to avoid unnecessarily vampire ears eavesdropping.

"Bonnie I already told you leave it" Damon said harshly 

"Damon, you can't trust her, in a few days her and her family kidnapped me, tried to kill you, nearly killed Elena. How many people are going to have to face death at the hands of that tribrid until you get it into your undead skull, Hope is dangerous."

"I don't care about that, I will make a deal with the devil its self just to see Elena wake up without having the spell broken!"

"You are making a deal with the devil HER self" Bonnie almost shouted said, emphasising the 'her'.

"Bonnie enough!" Damon said now shouting, realising how annoyed he was getting toned down his voice. "Just leave it, ok, at least until after she wakes Elena up. Then you can go all witchy on her!" Damon said now in his calm voice.

Hope's P.O.V

"I hate full moons!" I said pouting at Caroline and the twins. I had been staying with them for three last few days because Stefan and Damon kicked me out after the party situation. 

"I thought you had that all under control, you know the whole wolf part" Caroline questioned

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"I thought you had that all under control, you know the whole wolf part" Caroline questioned. I liked Caroline, she was really caring and always knew how to cheer me up.

"I think I do, but I have only turned once. Once is defiantly enough trust me!" Lizzie and Josie chuckled at my response. We all were sitting at the table eating breakfast, Josie , Lizzie and I had made pancakes for us all which were topped with Nutella. Caroline placed a glass of blood in front of me and continued talking to me as we both drank the glass of blood given.

"It will be fine, you have control anyway, isn't today the day that you and Hayley are waking the original siblings" Even though Caroline and my family have a complicated history she was being really supportive and even putting on a smile when we talk about them.

"Thank you" I was interrupted by the doorbell going. Josie rose from the chair she was sitting on and walked to open the door. Using my vampire hearing, I knew who it was. I used my vampire speed and raced towards the door.

"MUM" I screamed, I stubbled as I stopped vamping towards her. Yep, I get it I'm not the best at vamp speeding, but in my defence I'm still learning.

"Hope, how are you baby girl" Mum said pulling me into a hug chuckling as she put her hands softly cupping my face, looking into my eyes and kissing my forehead.


Dear Diary,

Todays the  day. The day I wake my family and cure them. Mum aka Hayley had just come back from New York with the final ingredients for the fatal bite that Elijah and Kol carry. It had been a whole month since I had arrived in Mystic Falls, although it feels like days , I feel I have discovered a new life that has been waiting for me with friends and family I have only dreamed about.

When the full moon is up and I don't turn into a furry beast. Myself and Bonnie will start the spell taken from my grandmothers, Ester's grimoire. The spell includes some witchy latin words I can barley pronounce, after I have said them multiple times I have to use my blood to wake my uncles and aunts.

I'm really excited to see them  in the flesh, I had seen and got to know them in the dream landscape twice now but it felt like something was missing. Now, when they have woke, we can go to New Orleans and defeat Marcel to get my father back so we can live on big normal family. Sort of!


Hayley's P.O.V

Hope and I had been preparing for this for what seemed like forever. In thirteen years that it had taken me I had found a cure for Rebekah's hex and Freya's poison. Elijah and Kol's bite was harder to find especially since the beast Marcel is had never been seen before but I succeed. "Are we ready Bonnie, we don't have time to waste the moon is nearly full." I said glaring at the Bennet witch.

"Mum, give her a break we have enough time, if you wanted more preparation time then you should have kidnapped her from her home earlier" Hope said with a mischievous sarcastic smile on her face.

"She does have a point" Bonnie said but I turned my head and gave a deadly stare to shut her up.

"Why don't we start, Bonnie lets make some witchy magic" Hope said to attempt to break the ice. Bonnie showed the spell to Hope and they both started chanting.

"Cœur là vous votre tai ma say tou. Magi somn et immortalis. Binde oss." They chanted. repeating multiple times whilst reading the spell from the ancient grimoire.

 repeating multiple times whilst reading the spell from the ancient grimoire

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Then Bonnie stopped and stepped back to let Hope continue. Hope reached for the knife that was given to her by Bonnie. As I waited nervously, Hope read the spell in the grimoire and used the knife to cut down her palm, she then dripped blood along the top of the coffins and created a circle around them. Suddenly where the blood was smeared over the top of the coffins, they burst into flames. The fire that had created a circle around the four coffins and on top of the coffins continued  to spread, the wind was picking up, leaves blowing in our faces Hope's long blonde/brown hair flying around her face. The spell was working, in a matter of seconds we will have our family back. The wind and fire suddenly stopped and died down, the tops of all four coffins burst open with a BANG!!

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