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Dear Diary,

It has now been a month since we moved to New Orleans and had got our family back. I was still adjusting to the whole being a tribrid thing, but my aunt Freya had been teaching me spells so I was slowly getting the hang of the witch side, Kol and Elijah were training me in fighting and my controlling my vampire hunger, so that helped my undead side. Mum and dad on the other hand, had just been trying to keep me away from any thing too supernatural in order to protect my innocence and protect me from future dangers. 

I still keep in contact with Lizzie and Josie and it helps that they come visit nearly ever week when Alaric comes down to see aunt Freya. As for everyone else in the Mystic Falls gang, Stefan and Caroline are happy and I've even been to their wedding. But Damon, Elena and Bonnie have not spoken a word to me or my family I don't care though, I have the people I need in my life, so it doesn't matter. 

Aunt Bex calls, like see promised, everyday. Updating me on everything Europe and Matt. I think she's in Amsterdam now, but I can barely keep track with all the traveling her and Matt are doing. 

Everyone else is back to normal. Mum and Uncle Elijah are happy, Dad is finally being himself around me despite how he used to always act guilty around me. I know he feels bad about missing my entire childhood but he knows I don't blame him, I just hope that will change in time. Uncle Kol has been my best friend when the twins aren't here, we are inseparable and always get up to mischief, I've tried convincing everyone I should go back to school but all I hear is: It's too dangerous ... blah blah blah. So i'm stuck being homeschooled by Elijah or going around New Orleans with Kol.

Everything has been quiet in New Orleans though, all the fractions are happy and keep to themselves. Defiantly a change. The  witches still hate me and what I am so avoid me at all costs, so do the vampires to think of it. But thats probably due to not wanting to be killed by my family. Werewolves have stayed in their comfort zone, hiding out in the bayou but mum visits her packr regularly though, so they do have some other human interaction. Humans are the same naive, gullible tourists not noticing the endless animal attacks an drained bodies in the area. So everything is quiet peaceful around here.

So, thats my life a giant supernatural crazy fiction-like-story. But I won't change it for the world because I finally feel myself and I have accepted who I am. A tribrid. I have decided and made a vow to myself that I will protect my family even if it destroys me.

Always and Forever

Hope...........Mikaelson xo

Mikaelson xo

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My Littlest Wolf - Hope MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now