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"I'm so sorry Aubree...I didn't know." Justin said bringing me into a hug.

I just sat and cried into his chest as he caressed the back of my head.

"Shhhh don't cry baby...you're to pretty to cry."

"I'm sorry Justin....and I completely understand if you don't want to be involved in this."

He pulled me out of the hug and looked me straight in the eye.

"Don't ever say that Aubree Roberts....ok I would never leave you."


"I promise." Justin said sticking out his pinky.

I lightly smiled and shook my pinky with his before bringing him into a passionate kiss.

"So babe you wanna talk about it or are you not comfortable with speaking about it?" Justin said lacing our hands together.

"No I'll tell you....Well it started back when I was 6th grade, I met a boy named Mason Abrams and I thought he was everything.

So we started to hang out and I just thought he was my Prince Charming. He finally asked me out in 8th grade and we dated all the way until junior year of HighSchool. I thought I was in love with him but further in our relationship we started to split apart.

I caught him cheating on me with my best friend Liliana...who is my roommate back home.

He then invited me to a party on our freshman year of HighSchool and he got drunk and that's when he raped me...it was the worst night of my life, not to mention he took away my virginity that night and I have felt dirty ever since.

He apologized a million times and I fell for it cause I thought I loved him.

Then even further in the relationship he started to hit me and treat me like shit for 2 years until I told someone and got a restraining order from him.

I haven't seen him since but he tries to text or call me sometimes and it honestly scares me Justin." I said still crying into his chest.

"Baby I'm so sorry you had to deal with that douche bag...he didn't deserve a beautiful girl like you."

"It's funny cause I was never able to trust anybody else after that."

"ok I'm not saying don't trust me cause for gods sake you can trust me but why me...why do you trust me?" Justin asked moving my hair behind my ear.

"You know Justin I have asked myself that before and I could never come up with an answer....you're just different and I think this is gods way of helping me recover and giving me another shot at love."

"I'm just glad it's with me." Justin said smirking.

"Me too" I said laughing...god this boy knows how to make me feel better.

"Sooo are you hungry?"

"Starving." I said rubbing my stomach.

"How about some pizza?"

"Sounds yummy" I said practically drooling.

Me and Justin just cuddled until our food came.

"This is a bomb pizza." I said taking another a bite.

"Like your ass....what?"

"What....?" I asked confused.

"Oh, I said like your cash." Justin said trying to cover up what he originally said.

"Oh so you're a gold digger?" I said crossing my arms lightly smiling.


"Then what did you say?"

Justin face turned bright red as he said "OK FINE YOU CAUGHT ME...I SAID LIKE YOUR ASS."

"JUSTIN!!!!!" I yelled blushing.

"I'm sorry babe...it's irresistible."

"Shut up...." I said playfully smacking his chest.

"Owww!!" Justin said grabbing his chest.

"Awe did I hurt the little baby?"

"Yeahh I need you to kiss it." Justin said smirking.

I lightly kissed his "booboo" and then Justin lifted my chin and smashed his lips to mine.

When we released Justin just stroked my cheek while staring into my eyes.



"Thank you...for everything."

"No problem....just know that I love you and will always be here for you."

"I love you too." I said before passionately kissing him again.

When we finished eating Justin turned on the tv and the first thing that popped up was the news.


Me and Justin quickly glanced at each other.

"Wow...that spread fast."

"Yeah....it did." Justin said laughing.

Justin then wrapped me in his arms and sang favorite girl to me as I drifted off to sleep with a smile on my face.


Hope you enjoyed!!!! I love you all please comment, vote, and follow! I'm tired so I'm not even gonna proof read this so sorry for any mistakes and I'm sorry for it being short!



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