Chapter 8

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I sat there in his arms snuggling in his chest while he was playing with my hair. I closed my eyes hoping to fall asleep, then all of a sudden I felt Justin kiss my forehead.

I quickly looked up at him and and smiled. He smiled back at me and said "kiss me." I didn't hesitate one moment at I quickly crashed my lips to his and watched our lips move in sync.

Things started to get heated when we were interrupted with a a cough. We both turned our attention that way to just a very irritated Selena Gomez standing in the doorway.

"Ummm....why are you here?" Justin asked with a bit of an attitude. "Well if you may know...I'm just getting the rest of my stuff." Selena said pissed.

"You could of called first." Justin said sitting up. "Yeah well I tried but you were fucking your girlfriend." "Yeah well first she isn't my girlfriend and second if she was I'm positive she would make a better girlfriend than you ever did." Justin said now getting up and walking over to her. "Whatever" she said walking back out the door with the rest of her things.

Justin walked back over to me and said "I'm sorry Bree." I stopped him and lightly kissed him and said "it's ok's not your fault." He wrapped his arms around me and said "your the know that right?"

I then interlaced our hands and kissed Justin's cheek. He kissed mine back then all of a sudden the power went out leaving me and Justin in the dark room.

"Justin!!" I said with worry in my voice. "Shhh it's ok,I'm right here." He said grabbing my hand pulling me close to him.

"I'm scared" I said gripping his hand tightly. "Bree don't be I'm right here...I won't let anything happen to you." He said bringing me into a tight hug and not letting go.

I didn't want to tell him why I was scared of the dark at 18. I'm just glad he didn't ask why. My thoughts were interrupted when Justin led me up the stairs and into his room.

We laid down and sat in silence until Justin said "let's play a game." I looked at him confused and he said "'s where we ask each other a question and you answer honestly." I nodded my head in agreement. Justin looked at me and said "ok you first......

"I don't know what to say." You say sitting across from Justin on the bed. "Anything." He says rubbing my hand.

" it true that you still have feelings for Selena?" I asked. Justin stared right into my eyes and said "no I don't....I have my eye on someone else."

"Soooo a virgin?" Justin asks which took me by surprise. "Umm...well yeah...i kinda wanna make sure it's with the right person." I said embarrassed.

"Hey no need to be embarrassed if I could take it back...I would." He said rubbing my knee.

"So Justin...biggest regret?" I asked laughing a bit waiting for his answer. "Probably disappointing my fans." He said with his smile fading away but which soon came back when It was his turn.

"Ok....Bree, so tell me about your ex." My eyes instantly started to tear up and Justin must have noticed cause he moved closer to me grabbing me and holding me on his arms and said "I'm sorry Bree...I didn't mean to make you cry, you don't have to answer if you don't want to."

"No Justin...I trust you." I said as tears slid down my face. "Well where do I ex Daniel and I dated on and off for 4 years."

"I was abused and hurt...but he always convinced me to come back." "He hit me when I didn't listen or sometimes just to impress his friends." "I wore a shit ton of makeup to hide the bruises and scars."

"Sometimes it would get serious to the point where he is holding a knife to my throat."

"I was raped and used." "I never got help cause he said he would kill all the ones I cared about." "I was miserable but I couldn't find a way out."

"I finally learned to deal with my new life until it got to the point where I was so depressed that I didn't care what happened to I called the cops."

"He was found guilty and is serving life in jail." "But that's why I hate the word love....cause it's a pain in my life and I can't go through that again."

"It was the worst 4 years of my life." "Love isn't worth all that." I said crying in Justin's shoulders as he rubbed my back.

"Bree....I'm s-sorry." He said as a tear fell from his face. "I hate to see you suffer....your way to perfect for that." He said rubbing my cheek with his thumb.

"Besides you can't give love a bad title just because of one insane can be one of the best feelings in the world." He said moving my hair behind my ear.

"Not for me." I said staring down towards the floor. "That's because you haven't felt it yet." Justin said moving my chin back up to face him.

"When the right person comes along that's all you'll ever feel." He said smiling which made me smile.

"Thanks Justin....means a lot to know you care...I've never had that before." I said smiling even more.

"No problem Bree....I'm always here for you." He said kissing my cheek.

I looked over at the clock which said 1:00am....."dang we better get to sleep." I said yawning.

I laid down and Justin scooted me closer grasping me in his arms. "Thanks Justin you make me feel so special." I said blushing. "Well you are special." He responded smirking.

Not much longer I was just about to fall asleep whenI felt him rub my arm and lightly kiss my cheek.

So i turned my attention towards him and stared into his gorgeous brown eyes and Lightly pecked his lips and said "goodnight."

Justin smiled and just held me tighter in his arms until we both fell asleep enjoying each other's company.


Hope you enjoyed!! Sorry this short too lol. Please vote,comment,and follow! It helps me know who's actually reading! Remember to follow me on twitter @brovlog_forever for updates!!! THIS IS WHERE IT GETS GOOOODDD!!!!

Btw I'm gonna update another one tonight....I just wrote this in class cause I was bored 😂

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