Chapter 3

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I woke up in my bed. Justin must of carried me up to my room last night after I fell asleep. I smiled at the thought. Then I heard yelling coming from downstairs.

"How could you?" "I was helping her Selena." "Well she can help herself." "Are you serious right now." "Yes Justin you are getting awful close to her." "So your jealous?" "No I just don't like her!!" "You don't know her" "I don't need to know her." "Wow...get out and come back when your ready to work things out." and with that I heard a door slam shut.

I just sat in bed feeling bad knowing I caused all this. I don't know why Selena doesn't like me. I sit in bed wondering if I should just go back to the dance studio. I decided that was the best for everyone so I got up and got my bags out the closet and start to pack.

"What are you doing?" A confused Justin was standing in my doorway with puffy eyes that have showed he had been crying. "I'm going back to the dance studio." "What why?" "Cause in tired of being the reason why you and Selena fight."

He slowly walked towards me and said "Aubree you are not the reason why we keep fighting...ok she is just a jealous person and hates seeing me spend time with people who aren't her." I started to put more clothes in my bag and said "well she doesn't have to worry anymore....cause I'm leaving."

Justin then walked over to me and turned me around so that I was facing him and said "Aubree please don't leave...I may have only known you for two days but you take all my stress away and treat me as if I were normal." I looked at Justin in shock "really?" I asked. " I don't know what it is about you but I feel like you see me as Justin and not Justin Bieber...and I haven't had that in awhile."

I lightly smiled. He grabbed my bag and asked "so are you gonna stay?" I looked at his puppy dog face and started to laugh. "Yeah I'll stay." I said. "Yay!!!" He screamed while pulling me into a huge bear hug, gripping me tightly. "Ummm Justin I can't breathe." I said with little breath I had left. He then quickly let go and apologized. "Yep, now get out while I change into my dance clothes."

Justin walked out and shut the door behind him. I walked into the bathroom and got undressed. I turned the shower on and stepped in. I loved to jam when I take showers so I had some tunes on.

When I got out I turned off the music and put a towel around me and walked out to my closet. I pulled out a pair of gray sweatpants and a black tank top. Once it put it on I walked in the bathroom and quickly put my hair in a messy bun knowing it was gonna mess up anyway.

I walked downstairs where I found Justin already dressed and some breakfast waiting on the table. I glared at Justin and then smiled. I sat down and ate. Once we finished me and Justin left and drove to the Dance Studio. On our way there Justin says "so your a really good singer...we should sing together sometime." I looked at him in confusion and said "how do you know what I sound like." He smiled and said "I heard you in the shower." I blushed and turned my head in the opposite direction.

Once we finally arrived and settled down a little I noticed Emily and ran to her. "Hey girl" she said while giving me a hug. " are you?" " why did you and Justin walk in together?" She said with a wink. "Shhhh...ok don't tell anyone but He is letting me stay over his house since I had nowhere to go." I swear Emily had a mini heart attack. "How does Selena feel?" She asked. "Yeah she isn't to happy." Emily then looked at me and was about to say something until Alfredo called her over.

I was distracted by my phone vibrating saying Justin tweeted. I don't know why I still have his notifications on but I checked it and it turns out he tweeted me back from yesterday and said @Aubree_Roberts you totally deserved it :) I chuckled a little knowing how late he was. Then it went off again indicating he followed me.

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