Chapter 9

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"Good morning beautiful." Justin said as I walked downstairs to the kitchen. "HA...your funny." I said as I sat down at the table.

"You are....I find you very attractive in pajamas, no makeup, and with bed head." Justin said smirking.

I lightly blushed and said "not as sexy as you though." Which caught his attention making him pose.

"Your so stupid." I said laughing. "But you love me." He said walking towards me. "I can't STAND you" I said playfully which made him attack me from behind.

He picked me up and ran upstairs, threw me on the bed and locked the door so I couldn't escape.

"JUSTIN!!!" I said banging on the door! "OPEN THE DOOR." I said banging harder.

"Say you love me.." He said on the other side. "No" "well then your not gonna get out." He said laughing.

"JUSTIN DREW BIEBER...LET ME OUT!!" I screamed. "Say you love me." He said calmly once again.

"FINE....I LOVE YOU JUSTIN!!!!" I said which made him unlock the door and say "good girl....I love you too."

This somehow set off majors butterflies! I was developing feelings for this kid....but I can't be though, I'm just not ready yet I told myself.

"Back to work tomorrow." Justin said admiring me. "Why you look at me like that?" I asked. "Cause I get to see your sexy ass dance." He said smirking. "Plus I have an excuse to touch your body." He added before I playfully slapped his arm.

"Oww" he said grabbing his arm and Pouting. "Aww did I hurt the little baby." I said pinching his cheek. "I'm not a baby." Justin said crossing his arms.

"Aww need me to kiss it?" I asked. Justin nodded his head so I gently kissed it and asked "all better?"

"No" he said pouting. I looked at him confused and noticed he was wanting more than a kiss on the arm. I smiled at the thought and gently kissed him.

"Now better...?" I asked. He still shook his head no until he said "1 more?" I rolled my eyes and kissed him once again but this time with more passion.

"Much better" He said smirking. I laughed and lightly pushed him away walking away. He quickly followed and asked "what I was doing."

"Just going to go for a quick dip." I said walking up stairs. "Oh well mind if I join" he asked.

"No not at all....matter of fact I would be disappointed if you didn't." I said now walking into the closet changing into my bikini.

When I walked out Justin was already changed and waiting for me. "damn!" Justin said with his mouth open.

"Better close your mouth bieber " I said laughing. "I can't help it just have an AMAZING body!!!" He said checking me up and down.

" ready?" I asked. "Yeah you go ahead...I'll be there shortly." He said walking out.

I was kinda bummed knowing I was gonna be alone for god knows how long.

I walked outside and laid on a lawn chair....wondering what Justin could possibly be doing.???

It has been about an hour since I last saw Justin and I'm not gonna lie...I'm missing his ass.

I decided to go see what he was doing. I covered myself in the towel and walked inside. "Justin?" I answer.

"Hmmm" I said to myself. I walked up stairs and looked in "my" room. No Justin. I looked in his room. No Justin. "Where is he." I asked myself.

I continued to search for about 7 more minutes until I realized the one place I didn't check. His studio. I ran back upstairs and noticed the door was cracked.

I thought about leaving him alone but decided I was to bored so I peeked through and saw something I wasn't supposed to.

There I saw Justin jacking off on the little sofa. "Da fuq?" I asked trying to stop myself from laughing. Once I got it under control I looked back in. I then noticed.....HE WAS REALLY BIG!!!!!

he lightly moaned which made me laugh. "Aubree?" He asked quietly. I decided to just be dead quiet. In didn't want to interrupt nor ruin....his "fun."

I walked quietly back downstairs to the pool. I sat back down on my favorite chair and just busted out laughing at what I just witnessed.

"What you laughing at?" A familiar, sexy voice said scaring me a little causing me to jump. "'s nothing." I said holding in my laugh.

Justin looked at me like I was crazy. "So why were you gone so long?" I asked wondering what excuse he would make up.

"Oh just had to make a important phone call." Justin said blushing a little.

"Oh well I was getting worried." I said looking in his direction. "Well no need to worry cause in here now."

"Come swim with me Bree." He said holding out his hand for me to grab. I stood up, brushed myself off and walked to the diving board. Justin followed.

"You first." I said moving out the way for him to pass by.

He was fully concentrated when I pushed him in. "Hahah gotcha Bieber." "Another point for your face!! I said jumping up and down.

"You will pay Aubree Roberts." He said winking. I then did a front flip and dove under. When I came up for air Justin grabbed me scaring me half to death.

"Don't do that!!!" I said. Justin just smiled and kissed my cheek still not letting me go.

"Uhhh gonna let go?" I asked. "Uggghhhh do I have to" he asked a bit annoyed. "Ummm yes you do." I said poking his nose.

He then soon released me and we swam for about 2 more hours goofing off and being our weird selves.

"You hungry?" Justin asked. I smiled and said "starving." "Ok well great...mind giving me a hand?" He asked. "No not at all." I said smiling.

We swam to the stairs and when I went to step out I tripped and fell back into the pool. "Karma's a bitch." Justin said smirking.

"Hahaha to funny." I said. "You know I could of really hurt myself." I said.

"I'm sorry ok?" He said which made the butterflies go off again. "Ummm...yeah thanks." I said smiling.

He helped me out the pool this time making sure I didn't fall and said "no problem...we don't need a pretty girl like you to get hurt." I couldn't help but to blush at his comment.

He must of noticed cause he walked over to me and kissed my forehead before returning to the grill where he made delicious hamburgers!


Hope you enjoyed!!! Please vote,comment,follow!!! It helps a lot. What you think of this chapter? What could he be doing? 😏 lol jk but your gonna have to wait and find out so remember to vote!!! Follow me on twitter @brovlog_forever

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