Chapter 2

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"Justin, what are you doing?" Selena said with a disgusted look on her face. "Oh,umm Selena this is Aubree, our lead backup dancer." "Nice to meet you I said" and held my hand out for her to shake but she swatted it away. "Selena that is totally rude." Justin said with an aggravated tone to his voice.

"Well your all up on her like a dog or something." Selena said filled with jealously. "Whatever can we talk about this later..I don't have time for your crap right now." Justin said ending the fight and walking away leaving me and Selena.

I looked at her and she gave me an evil look and said "look I don't like you so stay away from Justin." I looked her dead in the face and said "first who are you to tell me what and what I can't do and second I'm gonna talk to him and your gonna get over it" and with that I walked away. I heard Selena storm out saying "whatever" under her breath.

I just rolled my eyes knowing how stupid she just acted. I was walking to get my bag before leaving and my phone lite up saying Justin tweeted. "Why do people have to down my mood :(" I sighed knowing he was talking about what happened with him and Selena. I felt like I caused this whole situation and I feel terrible. I wanted to say something but decided to give it some time.

"Aubree!!" Scooter called and walked over to me. "Practice starts tomorrow at 1:00pm." "Ok I'll be here at 12:30" I said and Scooter just smiled and said "I like you already." We walked away and I grabbed my bag. I was just about to leave when someone tugs my arm and pulls me into a private room. I notice it's Justin and get kind of excited.

"I'm so sorry Aubree." He said. "Wait, why are you sorry?" He looked away and said "witnessing the real side of Selena." "Ohh it's fin-" I was cut off. "NO it's not shouldn't have that stress on you Aubree." I grabbed Justin's hand "Justin it's fine, I'm old enough to take care of myself." He lightly chuckled and just stared at me.

"Well I guess I better get going." I said. Justin got up and walked me to my car. We exchanged our goodbyes and hugs then I got in and drove off.

Once I arrived at the hotel where I was supposed to stay at they said "their were no reservations under my name." I didn't understand. I called Lilliana "heyyyy girl...!!! She said. "Hey did you reserve my hotel?" "No, I thought you did." "Ummm no....well this is just great." "I'm sorry but hey I got to go class is about to start." She said and hung up. I got back in my car and started to cry knowing I was thousands and thousands of miles away from my house and have no where to stay.

I ran out of ideas so I decided the best option was to go back to where the auditions took place. I walked in and didn't see anybody. I set my bag down and sat down on the couch in the lobby and heard a quiet voice "Aubree?" I turned around noticing Justin with a confused look on his face. "What are you doing here." He said. "Well I kinda forgot to reserve a hotel so this is my only other option unless I want to sleep outside." I said embarrassed. Justin had a concerned look on his face and said "or you can stay with me.".....

"No, you don't need to do that." I said. "Oh I know I don't need to do that....but I want to do that." Justin said with a smirk on his face. I couldn't help but to smile cause he looks super cute when he smirks. Justin chuckled and I looked at the floor and blushed.

Justin lifted my chin and said "C'mon it be fun..we can do anything you want to do like watch movies, play games, eat and just hang."ehh..idk Justin." He then picked my bags up and grabbed my hand and said "your coming if you like it or not." I didn't hesitate to say no cause I secretly wanted to go but didn't want to seem desperate. Justin opened the door for me and I got in. He then put my bags in the back and got in the drivers seat. We started driving and I turned up the music and Beware by Big Sean came on. I freaked out considering this was my favorite song. "OMG this is my Soooonnggg!!!!" I said while dancing a little. Justin couldn't help but to laugh which made me stop. "No don't look cute when you dance." Justin said. I then smiled and started to do the crazy little dance again until the song went off."so I see we like the same type of music." Justin said. I looked at him in realization and said "I guess so."

Once we arrived to his house he lead me inside and showed me around. "So this is your room." He said while opening the bedroom door." I walked in and just stared around the room in disbelief that this is a room. "Wow this is amazing." I said with my mouth still half way open like an idiot. "Well you better get comfortable cause your gonna be staying a while." He said. I gave him a little nod and unpacked.

I was finally done unpacking and I walked out my room and saw rooms after rooms and corners after corners. I started to walk hoping I would get lucky and find where Justin was. Unfortunately I had no luck and ended up in some room filled with sound equipment and then I realized it was a mini studio. I didn't know what to do so I just screamed "JUSSSTTTIINNN!!!" Next thing I know he was right by my side asking "if I was ok." "Yeah I'm fine I just got lost." I said. He chuckled and said "dinner was ready."

I followed him and said "good cause I'm starving." Once we reached the kitchen I smelt deliciousness. I still couldn't believe Justin cooks. He handed me my plate and said "dig in." I didn't hesitate one bit.

Once I finished I got up and put my dishes in the sink and filled it up and started to wash them. Justin walked in and said "umm no your a guest...that's my job." I looked at him and said "you made me dinner, and let me stay's the least I can do." He smiled and said "wow...Selena wouldn't even think about doing that." I turned back around to do the dishes and said "yeah well I'm not Selena." There was a brief pause until I heard Justin say "thank god." I just ignored it and kept washing.

Once I had finished I walked to the living room where Justin was watching tv. I walked over to him and sat down next to him. "What you watching?" I said. He then looked at me with a smirk on his face and said "a scary movie." I looked at him and said "yay I love scary movies even though I get scared half to death." He turned back towards the tv and said "no need to be scared...I'll protect you." I looked back at him and he was smirking which made me blush like crazy. He then looked back towards me and said "you blush a lot." I covered my face with my hands in embarrassment that he caught me. Justin then removed my hands from my face and looked me in my eyes and said "don't hide...I like it when you blush." I then felt the butterflies go off.

Justin and I just sat there watching the movie until there was a jumpscare. I literally screamed on the top of my lungs and jumped half way off the couch. I looked over to see Justin laughing his ass off. I frowned at him and said "that wasn't funny." He got up to where I was standing shaking like a cold chihuahua and hugged me real tight and said "I'm right's ok." I then looked at him and said "gotcha" with a smirk on my face. He let go off me and stared at me with a smile on his face and said "Nice one Roberts" and winked at me.

I couldn't help but to laugh which made Justin laugh. He then said "I hope you know I will get you back." I turned towards him still laughing and said "in your dreams Bieber." As I started to walk to the kitchen to get a water. Then I heard Justin yell "you cant punk me...I'm unpunkable." I smiled at how cute he was acting. Then I yelled back and said "already did."

Once I returned back to the living room...Justin was nowhere to be found. I thought he may of went to the bathroom or something until something popped out from behind the couch and yelled "BOO." I looked at him and said "that's all you got...nice try Bieber." I walked back over to the couch and sat down. He sat down next to me and said "let the games begin." With a smirk on his face. I nodded my head in agreement and said "Make the best prankster win."

I yawned which got Justin's attention making him say "you can lay down if you want to." I smiled at his kindness and laid my head down on his lap. I could feel he was staring at me. Then I felt him play with my hair which made me fall asleep.......


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