Chapter 12

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"Okk....." Emily said looking at me weirdly. "Ok...well me and Justin have been secretly rooming together since I don't have anywhere to stay and we kinda fell for each other and now we are dating." I said smiling.

"WHAT???" she screamed. I quickly covered her mouth and said "'s a secret though." "But I just wanted to room with you so I could spend time with Justin and you would know the reason why."

She faintly nodded letting me know she understood what i was getting at and then said "Wait...who's rooming with Justin?" "Ummm I believe Alfredo!!" I said smirking knowing she had a thing for him.

"Ohh...well you and Justin can spend as much time as you would like together." Emily said smirking. "Yeah I figured you would like him to be your roommate number 2." I said pinching her cheek and walking out.

She soon followed and we met with Alfredo and Justin. "So we good?" Justin asks looking around. "Yep!!" Alfredo and Emily say exchanging nods.

"Great well I guess we will see you then." Justin said smiling. "Bye guys!!!" I yelled as they walked out the studio leaving just me and Justin.

"Are we alone?" I ask. "I think so...why?" He asks staring at me. "Just wondering." I said staring back at him.

Justin then walked to the speaker and pressed a button then music started playing. "Dance for me baby." Justin says sitting down.

" see me dance 5 days a week." I said confused. "Yeah I see you dance to choreography...I haven't seen you dance freestyle." He said motioning me to dance.

I waited until It was the right part and then I just let it all out. I wasn't thinking about anything but me and the dance floor. I felt on top of the world.

All of sudden the music shuts off making me stop. I look at Justin and he is just staring at me with his mouth open. "Umm Justin." I say moving my hand in front of his face. "Wow...Bree your absolutely amazing." Justin says.

He gets up and grabs my waist and says "you have a beautiful body" and kisses me passionately.

"Come on let's go home...." Justin says interlacing our hands together and leaving.

"BAAABBBBEEE!!!!" Justin yelled from the living room. "What?" I smiled at how weird he sounded. "Make me a sandwich?" "Umm...who do I look like to you?" I said walking into the living room. "My sexy girlfriend who wants to make me a sandwich." He said smirking.

I walked in the kitchen and made Justin his sandwich and myself one too. I walked back in the living room with the food and handed Justin's his. "Thanks babe...your the best!!!" Justin said jumping in the seat.

"OMG...this is heaven!!" Justin said looking at me. "What is it made with?" Justin asked looking at the sandwich. I smiled and responded "I made it with love."

"Your so corny Bree." Justin said smiling and shaking his head. "I learned from the best!!!" I said smirking walking back into the kitchen.

"You wanna say that again?" Justin said wrapping his arms around my waist. I grabbed onto his hands and said "yeah....your corny."

He released me and poked my side and said "what....I didn't hear you??" "YOUR CORNY!!" I yelled while laughing. "Ohh...that's it" Justin said picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder. "NO....put me down!!" I said kicking my legs which weren't getting me nowhere.

I then felt Justin grab my ass which made me gasp. He lightly chuckled which made me smile. "Justin...." I said calmly. "Yeah babe...?" "Ummm PUT ME DOWN!!!!" I screamed. "wanna take back what you said?" He asked stopping in place. "Nope" I said smirking "ok then I'm not putting you down." He said smirking back.

"Justin Drew Bieber....put me down now!!" I said again. "Only if you take your comment back...or else I'll throw you in this pool." Justin said turning so I could see it. "You wouldn't!!!" "Try you take it back?" He asked. "Nope!!!" I said.

I then felt myself crash into the water. I quickly got up and screamed "OWWWW!!!!!" With tears filling my eyes. "Babe you ok???" Justin asked looking concerned. "No I hit my head." "Well come here so I can look at it." Justin said looking ashamed.

Justin reached his hand out to help me out the pool when I grabbed his arm and pulled him in. He then fell In the pool with me. I was laughing hysterically!! "Ohhhh you little sneak." Justin said grabbing me and hugging me.

"I was actually really worried." Justin said rubbing my cheek making me blush. " care if I'm hurt or not?" I asked smiling. "Are you serious...?" Justin asked making me stare at the bottom if the pool. "Of course I care...your my baby, I don't want anything to happen to you." Justin said lifting my chin.

"Thanks Justin." I said smiling and kissing him lightly until the kiss got more intense. I wrapped my legs around Justin's waist as we continued to make out.

Once we released Justin looked back at me and said "and don't you forget that!!" I lightly smiled and said "I won't." As I lightly kissed his lips again walking out the pool drenched.

We quickly ran to "our" room to change. I quickly stripped which took Justin by surprise and made him stare at me. I then heard Justin groan. I looked in his direction and saw he was getting hard. I smiled and continued to get dressed in my fresh, warm new clothes.

"Your such a creep." I said watching him in just his boxers. "I can't help it...your sexy and it's hard to keep my eyes off you." He said smirking.

Once he finished getting dressed he threw me in the bed and hovered over me and said "soo you take it back?" He asked. "Your really not gonna give up...are you?" "Nope I'm not." He said staring into my eyes. "Well fine...I take back what I said." I said smiling.

"I was kinda hoping you would say no." Justin said a little disappointed. "Wait...why?" I asked. "Cause I wanted to tease you." He said smirking.

"Oh well we can do that anyway." I said running my finger down his chest. Justin just sat their and watched me feel his abs.

I kissed him passionately and he cupped my face and licked my lip asking for entrance...which I gladly gave him. He then started to leave wet kisses down my neck making me moan lightly.

"You like that babe?" Justin said sexily in my ear? "Mhhmm." I said pleasured. Justin trailed his hand up my shirt lightly stroking my stomach.

I flipped us over so I was on top. "Your so sexy...." Justin said admiring me. I blushed a little and kissed down his neck,chest,abs, to his v-line before stopping and getting off of him and say "teasing like that?" While smirking.

"No....Bree you can't do that." Justin said disappointed. "Well thats what you were gonna do to me." I said kissing his lips again. "Yeah will pay." Justin said smirking.


Ok I know this chapter sucked!!! I made it short cause in super tired and I had a long day and dont feel good so I'm going to bed! I love you guys!! Please vote,comment, and follow me! Follow me on twitter @brovlog_forever

Promise I will update a better chapter tomorrow

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