I just cant

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I've been sitting in bed and was just thinking about my future. I am so honored to be able to live my dream but I just can't do it. These feelings aren't just gonna go away.

I tried to move on but I just can't. It's to hard. I cry myself to sleep every night thinking how I messed up everything.

I want Justin and Selena to be happy so that's why I officially decided to quit the tour. I've already called scooter and he completely understood but was mad.

I didn't bother to tell Justin because it would be to hard. I couldn't handle that pressure.

Tonight is my last day. Call me a quitter, loser, coward...I don't care. I know what I'm doing is wrong but I just can't anymore. I need to go home and move on.

I've already called up Lilliana and she totally understood my situation. She was pretty excited to have me back.

I then felt my bed vibrate. I searched the bed to find my phone. I looked and I saw I got a new next from Emily.

Emily<3 : I can't wait to see you tonight! We're gonna be dance buddies again :)

Me: yeahh about that I've decided to quit. I just can't stand being around Justin! It hurts to much.

Emily<3: nooo you can't leave! Does Justin know?

Me: no, and i wanna keep it that way!

Emily<3: ok well I guess I'll see you tonight before you leave! :(

I didn't even bother to text back because I noticed I got another text but from a different person.

Justin: Aubree....I'm sorry!

Me: for what?

Justin: Selena and for lying to you!!!

Me: it's ok

Justin: no, it's not ok! Stop acting like it is!

Me: well what do you want me to say Justin? I forgive you for breaking my heart?

Justin: no....

Me: I hope you and Selena are happy together Justin! I still and will always love you :*

Justin: what do you mean? What's going on!!

I didn't even bother to answer back because tears started to pour down my face.

I quickly got up and started to pack my clothes and all the junk I brought.

I can't believe im actually doing this. I'm leaving everything behind and once I'm gone I can't take it back.

I then heard a knock on my door. I walked up to it assuming it was Brooke but when I opened it I was attacked by a hug.

"AUUUBBREEEE!!!!" Emily yelled.

"OMMGGG HEYYYY!!!" I said hugging her back.

She immediately backed away when she saw my bags.

"So you really moving back?"

"Yeah" I said faking a smile.

"Why...?"she asked confused.

Me and Emily sat down on my bed as I explained everything to her.

She seems so supportive. I love her to death!

"Ummm I'm gonna go to the cafeteria...want anything?" She asked smiling.

"No....but let's keep this between us!"

"Ok!" She laughed as she started to walk away.


Well it's time for me to leave. I've already said bye to everybody but Justin!

Scooter is taking me to the airport while everybody else is at the arena.

I know he's gonna wonder why I'm not there, but he'll just assume I wasn't feeling good or something.

We were driving and I suddenly felt a rush of guilt.

Scooter looked at me worried and asked if this is what I truly wanted to do and I just nodded my head in agreement.

When we reached the airport and I said my goodbyes to scooter....I noticed something felt wrong.

I stood there silent until I heard the doors fly open and Justin came running towards me.

I was completely shocked. How did he know I left. Who told him?

"Aubree....you can't leave me!" Justin said lacing our hands together.

"I'm sorry Justin!" I said pulling my hand away.

"You can't do this to me! I need you!!" Justin said as a tear fell from his face.

"You have Selena Justin and I know you love her and she loves you too!" I said trying to hold back my tears but wasn't doing a good job because Justin wiped my tears away with his thumb.

"But I love you more!" Justin said staring into my eyes.

"She deserves your full attention Justin! Please treat her right!" I said lightly pecking his lips for the last time.

I turned my back towards him and boarded my plane leaving him speechless.


Well what do you think? No....ITS NOT OVER CALM DOWN!!!! Hahah but please comment,vote, and follow for more! I love seeing you comment! It motivates me to write faster!!!

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