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When the plane released us I stepped off the plane and I was hype! I was cooped up in the plane all day left crying in my hands over me and Justin's breakup.

When we arrived to the hotel Justin didn't even bother to talk to me. He just stared at me with sadness in his eyes.

It hurt me so much to see him suffer as much as I was right now!

I walked up to me and Brooke's room and laid on my bed.

"This is gonna be a long tour!" I sighed.

"Do you still love him?" Brooke interrupted my thoughts as she sat next to me.

"Of course I do....I love him more than anything!" I said smiling.

"Why not give him another chance?" She asked

"Because he hurt me and I'm not ready...I don't trust him!" I said as my eyes started to water.

She didn't say anything to me. She just pulled me into a hug.

"I'm going to the cafeteria to get some food...wanna come?" She asked.

"No I'm fine thanks." I smiled as she nodded and left.

I decided to finalize this and tweet.

"Heartbreak hurts! :("

I immediately got a whole bunch of tweets. Most of them nice wishing me luck.

I know this is gonna hurt worse because now that the media knows about our breakup they are gonna be all over us.

Plus girls are gonna be throwing themselves at Justin and im the jealous type.

I'm just gonna have to be supportive Of Justin's decisions now because I'm just his dancer now.

I looked down at my phone and saw it was almost time to go to the arena.

I made my way downstairs to the lobby and met up with everybody else. We all packed into several vans and made our way to the Arena.

We quickly rehearsed everything and now it came to the part where I'm supposed to bodyrock with Justin.

"Keep it professional!" I told myself as I walked up to Justin.

He gripped my hips and rocked against my body causing me to have butterflies.

Luckily I didn't cry though and just kept going on with the routine.

When we finished we all decided to go get some ice cream before the show.

I walked with Brooke while the others tagged along infront of us.

"Shit!" I cursed causing everybody to stare.

"Sorry's just I forgot my money! It's ok I wasn't that hungry anyway." I lied.

Justin just gave me a weird glare and said "no it's ok....I got you!"

"You don't have to!" I refused.

"But I want to!" He demanded.

"Ok well I want-" I started to say when Justin cut me off.

"She'll have cookie dough in a waffle cone with some chocolate syrup on the side."

I just smiled to myself knowing Justin knew exactly what I wanted.

When everybody else ordered we all walked to a table and sat down.

Justin sat across from me and Brooke sat beside me as everybody else was scattered around.

"How did you know what I wanted?" I asked Justin.

"You're my girlfriend...well you were!" Justin said as his smile faded.

"I appreciate it Justin....I'll pay you back when the shows over." I said

"Don't bother!" Justin smiled.

When we all finished we made our way back to the arena and waited for the show to start.

When the time finally came we all got ready and hyped up!

We jumped on stage and did our routines and it felt great! I saw a couple of Jubree signs but tried to brush it off.

When it came to me and Justin's part the crowd went crazy which made me laugh.

When the show ended I immediately jumped into Justin's arms almost if I had forgotten what happened between us.

He smiled and held me so tight. I haven't felt him hug me like this in Awhile and I miss it.

When reality kicked in I quickly released and backed away without saying a word.


Months have went by and me and Justin talk but only as friends.

I think he's moving on but sadly I still love him!

I'm happy he is moving on but apart of me wished he hadn't. I miss him. I want him back. I know what he did was wrong but I'm willing to give him another chance.

Me and Brooke have became best friends and guess what....Emily woke up and is planning on joining us back on tour in a couple of months.

I'm so happy but I feel something is missing and I know that person is Justin and I know I'm risking a lot but I'm planning on telling him.

I walked to Justin's room and knocked on the door.

He quickly opened it up and his face lite up as soon as he saw me.

"Aubreeee!" Justin yelled as he spun me around.

"Hey...can we talk?"

"Yeah...of course!" He smiled.

"Ok well....these past couple of months have been hell yet great! When we broke up I thought I was at my lowest point but this tour has helped a lot and I'm super happy and I'm taking a risk saying this but I feel like there is one thing I'm missing in my life and that's you." I said smiling.

Justin's eyes lite up with lust but was interrupted when the one and only Selena walked in.

"Babe what is she doing?" She asked as her face turned red.

"Babe?" I questioned.

"Umm yeah and Selena are dating again!" Justin said faking a smile.

Suddenly tears hit me and I ran out quickly as Justin tried to chase me but I was faster and locked myself in me and Brooke's room.

Why did I think he would take me back? He dosent love me! He clearly does and always has loved Selena even though he told me he never did. He lied again but I'm done....if he's happy then that's all that matters right! Nobody cares about the backup dancer. I just need to move on like Justin Did.


I updated again! I love you guys!! Sorry it skipped months but yeah! What do you think?????? Do you think Justin still loves Aubree? Hmmmm comment and let me know! Don't forget to vote and follow too!!

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