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Chapter 1-

Day Before

"Mom can you iron my shirt for tomorrow please?" Sasuke whined shoving a white button up shirt in the older woman's face.

"After I'm done with these dishes I'll help you." Mikoto said sweetly rinsing off one of the plates in her hands.

The raven hair boy groaned and dragged himself to the small table in the kitchen to wait. While he waited he finally began to feel nervous for the approaching day. The day of the school's spring festival and most importantly Sakura's birthday. But he knew after that the count down for Sakura to move would begin.

"Mom, d-do you think me and Sakura would stay friends when she moves?" Sasuke asked innocently with his chest hurting at the thought.

His mother turned her head slightly to see his face. She turned back and finished the last dish in her hand before seating herself beside him at the table. Mikoto dried her hands before creasing her son's face lovingly.

"Of course you two will. All you need to do is keep in touch. Like write letters or email or even call using the house phone if you want. There's a lot of ways you both wouldn't become totally separated from contact."

"I gotta make sure I tell this to Sakura."

"How is she by the way?"

"I know she doesn't show it a lot at school but when I go over to her house she's always upset at all the boxes and how she doesn't want to make new friends." Sasuke pouted at the memory. "I asked her why she doesn't live with me."

His mother laughed at his statement and patted his head before standing.

"I don't think the Haruno's would like you taking their only daughter dear." Mikoto smiled at her son and grabbed the shirt from his grasp. "Now come, we have to prepare for your date tomorrow."

The raven boy blushed at the very word before getting up and walking out the room. His mother followed right after him toward the master bedroom. Once in the room Mikoto pulled out the iron board and iron, letting the appliance warm up.

"So is my little baby boy going to go pick up his date?" Mikoto teased the younger boy who sat on her bed blushing darker than before.

"Y-yes." He answered meekly looking away from her gaze.

"Is little brother going to buy his girlfriend flowers?" A voice asked snickering at his own comment.

Sasuke looked up at the voice to see his older brother with a sly smile on his face. Itachi has taken it upon himself to tease his brother's growing relationship with his best girl friend. The younger Uchiha glared daggers at his brother who strolled into his parent's room.

"That's none of your business!" Sasuke called out sticking his tongue out.

"Now boys it's not nice to tease each other. You never know when you'll need each others help." Their mother said dragging the iron through the smaller boy's shirt. "If anyone should be teasing it's me, my little babies are growing into two fine gentlemen."

Both Uchiha brothers looked at each other and made a face of disgust before turning back to their mother who didn't notice.

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