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Chapter 34-


"She said we're suppose to be there by one." Hinata said firmly through the phone.

"Isn't that a bit early?"

"No." The girl said quickly. She spoke again more calmer. "Just come with a smile, don't come frowning or you'll make it worse."

Sasuke sighed heavily staring hard at the white ceiling he sleeps under. He'd have to face Naruto AND Sakura tomorrow. He can't run or hide anywhere.

"And dress nicely. We'll be seeing Sakura's parents there too. First impressions are everything. It'd probably be warm so dress accordingly." Hinata lectured like a mother to her child. The bossy woman Shikamaru said every woman had was coming out of the quiet girl.

"Yes yes." He mumbled with his eyes darting quickly to his closet. Oh how he hated this, all this prepping was uselessly but he supposed it was worth it. "Anything else I should know or prepare myself for?"

Hinata was quiet, most likely thinking. "You know you should bring a small welcoming present. Doesn't need to be fancy. Just something thoughtful."


"Well I'll let you go. Naruto will be calling me any minute now for homework help. I'll see you tomorrow. Bye bye Sasuke."

"Bye." He mumbled lowly hanging up the phone a second later. He dropped his arm on the bed letting the device fall to the cushion surface.

"What do you even give a girl?" Sasuke spoke to himself in a whisper with his eyes squeezed closed.

"Oh little brother, already interested in girls again? How precious." A voice said coming through the door that slowly opened with the aroma of food drifting in becoming more strong. "Who is she?"

"What do you want?" The youngest Uchiha brother asked with his eyes opening up lazily to look at his dark walls while staying still on his bed while his brother approached him. Sasuke felt eerily comfortable as of late with his brother being around often. Usually he'd only see him in the morning before school then again at dinner because of Itachi's busy college life.

"Mom asked me to come tell you dinner was ready." Itachi had stated with his black eyes staring straight at him as if he could read his mind or attempt to. "Now who is she?"

Sasuke looked beyond his brother to where the ceiling and wall met. He refused to look at him because he knew he'd blab, it was like that since he was a kid. The older Uchiha brother moved so he was hovering him, like Sasuke was trapped in his brother's gaze.

"She came back after all this time." The raven hair high schooler breathed out. He didn't have to say a name or remind him of how she'd look like. The girl in question, was the only one who's named came out his mouth for years. She was the only person he talked so much about.

"Oh? The girl your still infatuated with." Itachi said with a smirk. "Your beloved girlfriend after all this time?"

Sasuke bolted up in his bed gritting his teeth with his cheeks blazing red. He remembered when Sakura started all that girlfriend nonsense. Why did he have to have an annoying embarrassing brother to keep reminding him?

"If you want to get a girl something let it be simple enough to make her smile."


"Come on, mother will be wondering where we are." Itachi said ignoring his brother's response for more answers.

Sasuke sighed watching his older brother retreat out his bedroom. With age his elder brother became more and more corny in his opinion.


Sasuke stood before the bathroom mirror running a comb through any tangles he had then smoothing gel on the front part of his hair letting the back stick up naturally. Once he finished he step back to examine himself one last time. Listening to Hinata's advice, he dressed himself in a black t-shirt with beige cargo pants along with his usual black lace up shoes. He sprites a bit of cologne on both sides of his neck as well as on his t-shirt and then sighed to himself.

Sasuke was more nervous then he wanted to admit. Seeing her was all on his mind. What he'd say, how he should act, wondering if he'll slip up and say something offensive.

The youngest Uchiha walked out the bathroom to his bedroom to retrieve his cell phone. He was on his way out the door before he paused at the front door making sure he had everything.

'The gift.' He instantly thought groaning to himself. What could he possibly get last minute. Sasuke still had to walk fifteen minutes to Sakura's house from the address Hinata sent to him last night before one. Oh how he cursed himself for not preparing the night before.

Sasuke walked out the front house and looked around his yard like it could speak to him. And somehow it miraculously did. He saw bright pinks and purples ontop of a bed of green before rushing back through the doors almost slipping on the rug.

"Mom! Where are your gardening scissors?"

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