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Chapter 51-

A Big Bother

"Sasuke." She breathed out falling slump in his arms. Her breathing became staggered as she took in his scent feeling a wave of ease washing over. She batted her emerald eyes at his dark orbs.

Sasuke rested one arm on her waist and hugged her close to his chest with his hand lightly touching the back of he neck. He pressed his lips against her forehead then placed his head into the crook of her neck where he found her flowery smell more soothing than ever. His lips grazed her neck slightly, seeking any form of approval from her. He heard the pinkette squeak and snake her arms around his neck. Sasuke began to kiss her neck and occasionally stop to suck her pale neck slightly not to leave any marking. 

"Sakura." A woman shouted out.

The pinkette's eyes grew big as she shrunk in the ravenette's arms. Sasuke pulled away from her neck and went to work fixing her hair back to place and arranging her collar properly.

"Relax." He whispered slipping her phone into her hands as she regained her composer.

The Haruno matriarch opened the door with a tray of juice and snacks laid out. "Oh, did you finish studying?"

"Yes we did." Sasuke replied firmly standing up and grabbing the tray from her hands thanking her as he did so.

"I'm so happy to hear that. Sakura's grade have never been so perfect since she's been studying with you. I'm sure your mother is just as happy about your grades as well."

"Oh she's really happy about them." Sasuke shook his head at the memory of his mom gushing over his grades to any relative that would listen. He handed a glass to the pinkette which she took.

"Well I'll leave you alone now. Make sure you don't stay too late Sasuke, I don't want you to stay so late that you'll walk home in the dark."

"Yes Mrs.Haruno." Sasuke replied.

They watched as the pinkette's mother left the room closing the door after her.

"I wonder what Sasori would say if he knew your mom left us alone behind closed doors."

Sakura's cheeks darken at the thought of her cousin and how he watched the pair intensely just the other day.

"Oh hush up." She muttered placing her drink down then laying a hand on the teen boy's knee.

Sasuke in turn grabbed her hand and held it in his. He savored every moment like this with the pinkette. His phone vibrated in his lap with a message from his brother in his notifications.

"Itachi just texted me. He wants to know if I want a ride home."

"Tell him no." 

Sasuke looked up at the pinkette who frowned at the thought of him leaving and then missing him until they reunited again which would have been the next day at school. The teen held her hand and texted his brother a quick message.

"One more hour and than I have to go, okay?" He'd do anything to keep her the same bubbling happy spirited girl he loves to see. He hated to see her upset, his insides twisted at the thought of seeing her frown.

An hour came and gone. They spent it in each other's arms listening to each other's breathing as they stayed in silence.

Their new found relationship was all Sasuke had unknowingly dreamed of since they were reunited. Even the sweet kisses he felt ashamed to admit that he thought of.

The next day at school the Uchiha met with Suigetsu and Juggo in the school's courtyard before school would start. His pinkette had a doctor's appointment that morning and there was no way his mom or Itachi for that matter would let him skip his morning classes so that he wouldn't have to suffer without the pinkette. The trio sat at a picnic table talking quietly amongst themselves. Sasuke somehow managed to tell the two about the situation the other day with Sasori.

"Wait wait wait- her cousin came into the room?" Suigetsu choked out trying hard to contain his laughter from the glaring Uchiha.

Sasuke sighed looking up at his two friends. If he told anyone else about the incident he would be a joke especially if he talked about it with Naruto. The whole school would probably know about it by lunch time.

"It was a good choice on her cousins part to keep a better eye on you both." Juggo commented nodding his head while the silver haired boy shock his head furiously from his fit of laughter.

The ravenette shock his head and looked away. He noticed Karin walking up to their table with two of her friends trailing behind her.

"Hey." She cooed trying her best to smile cutely at the three boys. Juggo being the only one to return her greeting.

"How are you today Karin?" He asked politely.

"I'm good. I hope you are." She replied before focusing her attention back to the Uchiha. "So Sasuke I was wondering if I could get some help on some math homework. I know you do real well in math."

The Uchiha stared her in the face and noticed that behind her her friends were also waiting for an answer. 

"I'm sorry but I wouldn't be able to. I'll be busy with studying myself since the soccer seasons over." He excused himself.

"Oh then how about we study together?"

"I wanna join too." Suigetsu butted in groaning inwardly. "Since the season wrapped up my teachers have been hounding me about my grades slipping. They even threatened to fail me!"

"I wasn't asking you." The red head hissed clenching her fist at her side.

"I also have other commitments I really wouldn't be able to help you." Sasuke didn't know how else to excuse himself. To be alone with Karin, friend or not, for an hour would be torture when all he wants to do is spend any spare time with Sakura. He didn't want to be so rude to his friend but he didnt know how else to get out of it.

The bell then rang signaling the students to find their way to class. The ravenette stood up and swung his bookbag over his shoulders with his friends following his lead.

"See you later." He hummed to the crimson haired girl and her friends.

"So are we going to see you at lunch or are you going to hang with Sa-ku-ra?" Suigetsu chuckled smacking Sasuke on the back as the trio stepped into the building.

"You'll figure it out." Sasuke simply replied coolly before walking off into his classroom.

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