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Chapter 50 -

Getting Caught

Sasuke laid on his back staring at his ceiling with his thoughts swirling rapidly in his head. All to which pertaining to one person in particularly. He groaned and scrunched his eyes closed to everything coming to his mind. When his mind became unbearable he rolled on to his side sighing heavily as he did.

Sakura appeared to have two sides to her, first her sweet innocent side then her more darker side which was just opposite than the former. Her eyes get darker and her actions become bolder. Sasuke would be lying if he said her dark side wasn't attractive. Of course he loved the sweet girl but this side of her made Sakura feisty.

His cell phone buzzed against his chest where he clutched it mindlessly. The pinkette had messaged him telling him she was bored and wondered if he could come over to hang out. It was a Saturday afternoon. The young Uchiha had finished his chores, done all his homework, did any studying he needed and had soccer practice earlier that morning. He had no excuse to make when his mother and brother adore her even his father who held no interest in his youngest son's personal buisness.

Oh how he disliked this hold she had on him but didn't care all the while.

He sent his reply telling her he'll be over shortly. Sasuke then pulled himself out of bed to get dressed. Shortly after he was done he headed down stairs where he found his brother in the living room staring heavily at his textbooks as usual. The creak of the stairs wooden board alerted the eldest Uchiha.

"Going out?" Itachi asked putting his pencil down to look at his brother.

"Hn, yeah. I'm going to Sakura's." He responded peering down at his phone to see the pinkette had responded with a smiley face emoji.

"Do you need a ride?"

Sasuke shock his head no and left out the front door muttering a goodbye.

The ravenette strolled calmly through the neighborhood of his small district home. He waved at a few of his relatives and nodded at the children playing as he proceeded out the district toward the pinkette's home.

When he neared the house he noted the growing flowers in the front yard as well as trees hiding in the backyard. Three cars were parked in the driveway, one of them being the black SUV he saw every morning when Sakura gets dropped off. He didn't think much of it since his mind was shuttering at the thought of Mr. Haruno's hard glares.

Sasuke knocked twice on the door and checked his phone while waiting. While he waited he heard a laugh that wasn't Sakura's but assumed was her dad's. It didn't take long afterwards for the door to swing open and reveal the pinkette smiling brightly.

"What took you so long?" She questioned after letting him in and shutting the door after him.

"I walked all the way here." Sasuke grumbled looking around the room.

"I could've went and gotten you." Sakura huffed heading toward a door that the Uchiha recognized as her room.

"Since when do you drive?" He slipped into her room and plopped down onto her bed.

Sakura frowned at his comment and moved over to her desk where magazines and papers were spread on top.

"Whats that, hn?" The Uchiha asked reachng for his cell phone and looking at his notifictions for a quick minute before giving his full attention back to the pinkette.

"I was working on some ideas for botony club. I'm trying to make a collage for club day during the summer. I kinda lost inspiration so I called you over."

Sasuke raised a brow at the girl's confession which made the pinkette's cheeks turn bright red. 

"I didn't mean anything by it." She quickly added walking over to the boy and sat beside him.

They sat in complete silence staring holes into their hands. Sakura reached over to the ravenette and grabbed his hand, she held it entwinning their fingers together.

"Where's your parents?" He asked curiously rubbing his thumb continuously along the pinkette's hand.

"They left to run some errands." She hummed laying her head on his shoulder. "They won't be back until dark."

Sasuke took his free hand and laid it against her cheek. He noticed the pinkette's green eyes become clouded and focused only on him. The Uchiha leaned in and placed a soft kiss to her temple that made the girl's face flush with color.

Oh how he wished time could freeze so he could savour this moment for the rest of his exsistence. Just as Sasuke summoned up some courage to lean in and place a kiss to her rosey lips and possibly try something new; the door swung open banging loudly upon impact. A head of bloody red hair popped into the door way, dull brown eyes bore holes into Sasuke.

"Sakura." The red head said sternly growing more emotionless like a glass doll.

"Sasori why didn't you knock?" The pinkette squeaked pulling away from the boy but held the ravenette's hand tighter.

"Everything was quiet. I came to check on you. I'm responsible for you while they're out." The red head named Sasori gave Sasuke a deathly glare, the same glare mister Haruno would give the Uchiha. "Who's he?"

"Who are you?" Sasuke bellowed narrowing his eyes at the man while keeping a protective arm around the pinkette's waist.

"Sasuke this is my cousin Sasori. And Sasori this is Sasuke," The pinkette paused turned toward the ravenette and smiled sweetly at him with her green eyes twinkling. The pause had suggested a thought that Sasuke liked.

"So this is the boy you talked so highly about." The red head crossed his arms and stared blankly. "Nonetheless, I won't allow you to be alone with any boy especially this one. Take your business to the living room Sakura."

The pinkette groaned and stood up picking up her magazines and scissors. She looked at Sasuke and signaled him to follow her which he done but not without staring Sasori down.

They sat in the living room flipping through the countless magazines in Sakura's disposal  while the TV played in the back ground. Sasuke held onto her hand underneath the table away from Sasori's site. The red head sat a foot away from the pair with a book in hand and a pad of paper in his lap scribbling every few minutes.

"Sorry about that." She whispered low enough for him to hear. Her green eyes appeared watery to him.

"Its not your fault he's a mood killer." Sasuke whispered. When he saw her face flush pink he lean in close to her ear. "We'll just have to be more careful."

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