Chapter 1: Small Town Boy Part 1

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(A/N: Old cover above)

🏃Clark's POV🏃

"Clark!" I hear the woman of my nightmares screech. "Time to get ready for school!"

I groan at her announcement before rolling out of my bed to get ready for school.

So yeah

I'm Clark

And just so you don't get worried my mom isn't abusive, crazy, or sadistic.

Nor was she a part of something that affects my mental health.

I just really hated her when she woke me up.

I ran down the stairs making my mom roll her eyes from the kitchen at the stampede like sound.

Though I couldn't see her I knew she was rolling her eyes.

I could feel it.

"Don't roll your eyes at the fact that I rolled my eyes!" She called from the kitchen while I was walking towards it.

"Not my fault I have psychic powers." I told her. "You're the one who passed them on to me.

She sighed defeatedly and said nothing more on the subject, making me grin.

"I know you're grinning Clark."

"See!" I yelled pointing my fingers at her.

She chuckled before placing a plate of eggs in front of me.

"Eat, you need to get to school." She said moments before my dad comes walking into the kitchen and giving my mom a big smack on the lips.

I fake gagged acting like a stereotypical teenager while my mom just smiled while wrapping her arms around my father's neck.

They pulled away smiling at each other before dad sat down and mom went back to the stove to finish making their eggs.

Her plate was already done but she will not eat until dad was ready to eat with her.

I smiled at my parents then finished my food running out the door only a moment after that as I got in my car and drove to school.


I arrived at school a few minutes before the warning bell rang and walked into class right on time making my best friend Calum roll his eyes knowing I did it on purpose.

I would've smirked at him but I felt like he would probably just punch me so I'll just settle for doing it in my head.


Once lunch rolls around my friends Malory, Calum and I all ran to the cafeteria praying our sprinting would help us get to the front of the line for food.

"So did you hear about that new guy that came into town?" Malory asked once we sat down at our regular table with our food.

"What new guy?" Another one of our girlfriends asked.

"Well, you know the house up on Melbourne drive?" Malory said, answering our friends' question with another question.

"You mean the one with the petunias in the bushes and the rickety old fence that sounded like a cat crying whenever you passed by?" Calum asked, not surprising me at all with his detail or how fast he said it.

"No, the big one with the really fancy paint job and the nice roof." Malory said.

"You talking about the one that was supposed to belong to grandpa Marvin?!" Calum asked in shock.

"Yup, apparently the new kid moved in there. No one saw any parents but he is here for his first day of school." She said, enjoying the fact there was something to gossip about that was actually true and wouldn't send someone in tears.

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