Chapter 10: Santiago Tings

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🏃Clark's POV🏃

I sat back on our living room couch, glowing as I enjoyed my day off. Working at a bookstore is surprisingly fun and I love working there tremendously. But that doesn't mean I don't get sad when I can't watch episodes of my favorite TV shows (The Challenge) as they air, or can not just wake up and stare at the ceiling because I'm tired and I can.

So on days off before possible plans with the four munchkins I call friends, I lounge around, and enjoy my company. The company of the TV.

I was yelling heatedly for "Johnny!" to "Beat him into the ground! DON'T LET HIM WIN!" When my phone suddenly rang and I reluctantly paused my show, picking up the phone while mumbling under my breath.

"Whoever this is better have a damn good reason to-"

And then I heard his voice.

"Hey Clark? It's me uh Santiago. I don't know if you remember but we actually exchanged numbers and I thought that I may as well call." Santiago spoke through the phone hesitantly and I felt my heart warm. "Umm, are you busy today? Cause if you are that's fine but if not then do you want to hang out? Maybe for coffee or tea or something I don't really care."

"Yup." I grinned smilling when I heard his breath hitch in surprise. "That sounds good. But I am going to meet up with my friends today, are you okay with some quick coffee?"

I don't know exactly what he did but I heard some rustling and muffled "fuck yeahs" through the phone so I think he was happy.

"Yeah sure, I'm fine with anything, I really want to get to know you." He rushed out through the phone. "As a friend."

I smiled.

"Same here. Do you want to meet up in like, two hours maybe?" I asked pulling the phone off of my face so I could check the time.

"Yeah, sure. I'll text you the address." Santiago agreed. "So I guess I will see you then."

"Yup, bye."

Neither of us hung up for a moment, and just stayed there listening to the others breathing through the phone, but when I glanced back up at the TV and saw Johnny Bananas face on the screen I knew I had to finish the episode.

"Bye." I repeated, and hung up.


"Ah, Clark! Over here!" I snapped my head in the direction of the voice and beamed when I saw him smiling warmly at me, and in no time I was in front of Santiago.

"Hi." I smiled stupidly at him, sitting down.

"Hey." Santiago replied. After that the two of us just sat there grinning at each other until I decided that we had been sitting like that for way too long. So I sparked up a conversation.

"So I wasn't able to ask the last time we met but I'm actually quite curious, what is your family like? You never mentioned them." I asked, leaning towards him eagerly awaiting his answer.

His expression got soft as he thought about his family, smiling softly as memories came to him.

"Yeah they really are something." He said, laughing shortly. "Well I come from a big family. there's my Mom and her husband Stephan, my Dad, who is just dating at the moment. The oldest..."

And we spent the next hour just talking. The conversation was about our families for the first twenty minutes but it soon moved onto other topics. Our likes and dislikes, favorite TV shows now, favorite childhood shows, and pets we've had in the past. It seemed never ending and I was totally okay with that.

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