Chapter 46: Moving Back Home?

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🏃Clark's POV🏃

The doorbell rang loudly, drawing my attention to the front door. I pulled out my phone to check the time, acknowledging the fact that it was almost four.

Maybe it's Mark. I think, standing up and making my way to the foyer. No, it can't be him. He wouldn't ring the doorbell, Mason would enter on his own too. Oh, wait, it must be-

My thoughts get cut off when the door swings open and I find Santiago huffing from the other side of the doorway. A light sheen of sweat covered his face and arms, which are actually bare. His winter jacket was hung on his arm but instead of appearing cold he seemed to be hot, very hot actually.

His muscles were taut and firm, chest rising and falling from his loud breaths. His hair fell in curly waves around his face, damp and the perfect thing to accentuate his piercing brown eyes and full brown lips.

Holy crap! Why does he look so good right now?

My eyes are wide as he stomped his way into the house, eyes narrowed on me. My heartbeat seemed to accelerate with each step he took closer to me. When he was finally standing in front of me, it was probably beating way past the speed limit. Then I saw a smile start to grow on his handsome face.

"I am so flipping proud of you!" He yells, dropping his jacket and bag and pulling me into a tight hug. I laugh, hugging him back before squealing when he lifts me off of the ground. "You did it! You called your parents!"

Santiago eventually placed me on the ground again but he kept his arms coiled around my waist. The warmth of his hands around me began to burn but I ignored it and smiled up at him.

"Yeah, it went really well." I smile happily. I hesitate for a second before going up on my tippy toes and giving Santiago a firm kiss on the cheek. "Thank you for pushing me to do it. I couldn't have done it without you."

I saw the colour grow on his cheeks and grinned teasingly. He was so cute. The two of us headed over to the large kitchen, finding the large number of quesadillas that Tania had made earlier sitting in the oven. We begin to snack on a couple of them while I relay all the information on how the phone call really went. Santiago made sure to hug me and congratulate me several times throughout and it was a battle not to melt into a blushing mess at the end of it.

I mean he was still a bit sweaty and hot and having to touch that so often is bad for anyone's health.

Then, my mind went to a small question I had earlier that had previously gone unanswered. So, I turned to Santiago.

"Why were you panting so much when you first came?" I asked curiously, frowning in confusion. "Did you run from the taxi or something?"

"I ran from the bus stop." Santiago says simply, shrugging as if it was nothing. My eyes go wide.

"What the hell?! Santiago, that is almost an hour walk!" I exclaimed, grabbing his forearm as I look at him as if he was crazy. "Why in the world would you do that?!"

A pout came onto Santiago's lips and I am taken back a bit by the action.

"I was anxious to get back to you, Clark. And it felt as if the taxi would take too long so I just ran." He explains, his eyes not meeting mine.

"You are so dumb." I sigh, placing my arms around his hips and my chin on his shoulder. "And adorable."

Santiago grumbles, the sound tickling my chin.

"You have to stop saying stuff like that or I'll explode." He warned me, breath fanning down on my neck.

"Consider it payback for what you said before." I tell him, laughing a bit to myself.

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