Chapter 9: Dinner

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🏃Clark's POV🏃

The dinner was fantastic. Besides a couple of disagreements and a few awkward silences -on my part mostly- all of our conversations flowed pretty easily and we all had a great time.

But that sense of calm was not to last forever because Aaron's dad -Matthew- could not go without asking.

"So Aiden, Aaron mentioned something about big news earlier." Matthew inquired, his head resting on the back of his hands as he leaned in, futher intimidating the couple.

"Well actually I specifically remember Clark," Aaron shot a look at me in return earning himself an impish smile. "Calling it an announcement."

"Don't try to shove off the blame darling, there's no point." Tania told Aaron, sending him a smile to calm him down. "Just tell us what it is okay?"

Aiden and Aaron shared a look before Aiden nodded. "Well, we weren't planning on telling you now but since almost all of you guys are here." Aiden sucked in a breath and looked to Aaron for assurance and continued when he felt Aaron rubbing his back. "We're moving."

For a single moment eveyone was quiet.

Then chaos ensued.

Multiple people were almost screaming and asking questions, I heard someone crying and I was on my way to joining them.

I've known Aaron and Aiden almost my entire time in Toronto and it was heartbreaking to think of them being out of reach, no longer an hour away.

Liam pulled me to his chest muttering caring words and "are you alrights" into my ear.

When I finally realized that I was just being dramatic I nodded to him, sitting up straight and waiting to see what they had to say.

"Everyone calm down." Aaron firmly stated, somehow quieting the table without yelling. "I don't think we were clear. Yes were moving but not forever."

I could practically feel the mood lifting.

"Aaron's station is moving him to LA for at most two years and I'm going with him since I can consult my clients from anywhere and gain new ones in America." Aiden added, looking at Aaron lovingly and taking his hand. "We really won't be gone for very long and we'll visit a bunch."

"Thank goodness." Meaghan sighed, wiping her eyes. "I would've let you guys go but I would have sobbed the whole time."

Aaron rolled his eyes but still sent a smile to his sister.

"Yeah same." Mason and I said in unison, laughing and exchanging props across the table.

"You guys are all so dramatic." Aaron laughed, somehow pulling Aiden even closer. Probably closer then humanly possible.

"No," Francesca argued. "We care." Francy rarely showed affection to her younger brother so the moment was precious to everyone who understood.

And Jasmine was recording it.

"This will be great for the next time Francy acts like she doesn't love Aaron." Jasmine giggled a little too loudly causing the two oldest Tyler siblings to snap their heads over to her.

"Jasmine," Aaron started warningly, as he and Francy started to get out of their seats. "Give us the phone and no one will get hurt." Matt was rolling his eyes from where he sat while his wife just chuckled beside him, amused by her kids antics.

Jasmine looked scared but instead of handing her phone over she started to type in a flurry.

Aaron and Francy quickly ambushed her but by the frustrated growl they gave out once Francesca had the phone in her hand I knew that she had finished.

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