Chapter 42: Move Out!

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🏃Clark’s POV🏃

The kind police officer, who I later learned was named Christina, gently lifted me off the floor, mindful of my sore shoulders and possible bruises. As she walked me out of the room and eventually out of Kevin’s apartment, she started to explain the entire situation to me.

Santiago’s aunt who was a highly ranked officer with more power than most had been working with him for the past several weeks to find information on the power Kevin had in the city. She took care of most of the work but had Santiago act as a man on the ground, asking classmates and looking online carefully to get a more inside scoop on what was going on.

They quickly found out, because Kevin is an idiot who wasn’t good at keeping private or silent about things, that he was deeply involved in a powerful drug trafficking group. Things were starting to get uncovered and suddenly the police were on their way to taking down one of their biggest foes in their anti-drug efforts.

Apparently, I was the person that helped them find the missing pieces by letting them know about the connection Kevin had to Abel and the location of some of their places. This allowed them to figure out some of the major holes and find out that a large shipment was taking place this week.

Thinking back on it, that was probably the reason why Kevin hadn’t stayed with me the previous night and had kept me at his house. They were all busy with an important shipment and he didn’t have much time to spare fucking his hostage.

I wanted to learn more about how they went about rescuing me and what they did regarding the drug shipment, but Santiago suddenly came rushing into the apartment. He had come running through the door, eyes wide and impatient as he looked around the place.

Then, he finally saw me. I had never seen Santiago look so close to crying before that moment. His shoulders dropped, eyes filled with relief and an odd type of happiness that was difficult to describe.

He ran up to me and Christina stepped back, not making a single noise of disagreement when he pulled me into a hug.

“You’re alright.” He said, voice wavering and slightly watery. “I kept telling Ethan that you would be but I was so scared. You’re alright!”

I felt the burn of tears again and ducked my face into his shoulder.

“Yeah . . . ” I agreed softly, tears silently falling off of my face and onto his shirt. “I’m okay.”

Christina touched Santiago’s shoulder softly, but he still jumped from her shirt and looked at her impatiently.

“I wish that I didn’t have to rush you, but I think that the two of you will be more comfortable if you move out of his apartment.” She explained, gesturing around us. Santiago looked at our surroundings as if he hadn’t realized that we were still in Kevin’s place.

Santiago moved quickly after that, definitely not a big fan of Kevin. The two of us were taken to the ground floor through the stairs and shuffled into the back of a police car.

Before the two of us were driven away, they brought in a thermal blanket for me because of the possibility that I was cold while Kevin kept me in his apartment. I hadn’t been, but I took the blanket, happy for the excuse to cuddle closely to Santiago.

“Where is Ethan?” I finally asked, too curious to not bring him up at this point.

“He stayed at the police station.” He told me, right arm rubbing up and down my right shoulder in an effort to warm me up. “My contact at the police station sent several teams out to different locations that Abel’s men were. We weren’t completely sure where Kevin took you so I came here because it was a likely choice. If you happened to be at any of the other places, then Ethan would have met you at the police station.”

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