Chapter 41: Move In!

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Clark frowned, completely creeped out by Kevin's last words.

Perfect? Why would he say that?

Kevin began to slowly stalk forward, eyes trained on Clark's slightly bruised face.

"Man, it has been a long time since I have seen you look so defeated." He sighed, eyes gaining a faraway look as if remembering a different time. "Ever since I have found you again, you have been putting up such an odd pretense. As if, you could fight back."

Kevin suddenly burst into loud boisterous laughter, clutching his stomach with his head thrown back. Clark flinched away, eyeing Kevin warily.

"It was hilarious that you really believed that you had power in this relationship when you obviously don't." Kevin walked closer to Clark, now kneeling down in front of the smaller boy so he was at eye level with him. "You were so much easier to deal with when we first started dating. Why did you have to change?"

Clark stayed completely silent, holding his body rigidly in front of Kevin. When Kevin took a single hand and began to trace it down the side of Clark's face, Clark kept still, waiting for Kevin to finish.

"It doesn't matter." Kevin mutters to himself, switching his gaze from Clark's cheek to one of the boy's bright eyes. "I will have you back to submission soon, then the two of us will be happy again."

Kevin got up and turned to walk away, but Clark grit his teeth, unable to keep back the reaction from Kevin's clueless words. Kevin, noticing Clark's reaction, raised a single brow and looked at Clark questioningly.

"Do you have something to say?" He asked him, a teasing pout on his dry lips. Clark didn't answer and Kevin scowled slightly. "Come on, out with it. This might be the last time that I allow you to share your opinion."

The tick in his jaw grew and Kevin grinned, knowing that he had gotten the boy.

"I was never happy with you." Clark told him, spitting out the words with as much venom and spite as he could. "All you did was make me question my worth, and no human being could ever be happy in a relationship like that, not even you."

The cheeky grin that Kevin had previously sported dropped. He hadn't expected Clark to say something so bold towards him. Despite looking so physically ruined, he still had a fight within him.

Kevin did not like it.

Kevin marched up to Clark, using one of his hands to grip Clark's face tightly. His hold was harsh and unsympathetic, squeezing and pinching Clark's skin in a way that brought him enough pain to fear several bruises. His cheeks were pushed together, dirty nails digging into the skin around his jaw, cheek, and one lone nail even on his neck.

"Listen here, babe." Kevin glared hatefully, eyes narrowed on Clark with a certain malice that scared the smaller boy. "I don't know who put those dumb ideas in your head but you were happy. You will be ecstatic to be with me again. This is love because I love you. So don't you ever think that it gets any better than this!"

Kevin threw Clark from his neck, letting Clark's body fall heavily to the floor. Because of how his hands were tied to his back, Clark's face was the part that hit the floor first. Clark's groaned, tears pricking at his eyes, but didn't say anything else.

Kevin turned and stormed out of the room angrily, the door slamming behind him.

"Well, maybe if I piss him off enough, he'll just kill me instead of raping me forever." Clark muttered tiredly to himself, a dark chuckle being released at his own twisted humour. Clark carefully moved his body, trying to keep himself from adding any pressure onto his face, and sat up against the wall again. The small smile that Clark wore dropped and he found himself frowning in thought.

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