Chapter 9

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**2 Months Later**

Summer went away in the blink of an eye, literally! It was already August 30th, 4 days before starting school at Arora Hills High School. The nerves are starting to kick in. Hard. I went to target to get school supplies and then the mall after to get new school clothes. I got home at around dinner time so I ate dinner with the family and went upstairs. When I opened my laptop I got an IM from some random person.

"You've got 3 days." The message read.

I shrugged it off and made myself think that they sent it to the wrong person. I skyped Kian and some friends from Florida. After about an hour I went to bed. I had to "practice" going to sleep a little earlier since school was approaching soon.

       *2 Days Later*

When I woke up it was around 8 AM. I decided today was a good day to go on a jog. I washed my face and tied my hair back. I put my sports bra and yoga capris on. Then I put my sneakers on and headed out. I jogged the perimeter of the neighborhood. When I got home I showered and put a little make up on. Everyone was at work so I was home alone. I texted Kian and told him to come over to keep me some company. He was at a family breakfast, and told me he would come from there. I was up in room watching youtube videos and I kept hearing strange noises. It frightened me a little, but I shrugged it off. I kept hearing more and more noises so I decided to grow some balls and go downstairs. There was nobody there and all the doors and windows were locked. I thought I wad just hallucinating. I went back upstairs and texted Kian. He said he would be there in 20 minutes. I continued watching youtube videos to pass time.

  A few minutes later out of nowhere my room door swung open and it caused me to scream. A man in a black suit was standing there pointing a knife at me. He ran over to me and stabbed me. He took my money and jewelery. It all happened so fast. So fast, that I couldnt defend myself.

Kians POV

Abby wanted me to come over after the family breakfast I had to attend. I knocked on the door and she didnt answer. I called her and she didn't answer. She's probably in the bathroom. I pulled out the key she gave me and opened the door and went inside. I noticed that the screen door leading to the backyard was slightly opened. I went outside to see if she was there, but there was no sign of her outside. I came back in and yelled for her and she didn't respond. I went upstairs to see if she was in her room. When I got there I couldn't believe what I saw.

"ABBY!!!!" I screamed really loudly.

Abby was on the floor unconscious with a small puddle of blood around her. I noticed her stomach had been stabbed. I looked around her room and all her belongings were all over the place.

"ABBY! WAKE UP!" I said hopefully. I began to sob. I immediately called 911 and her parents. Within 8-10 minutes the paramedics arrived. It wad so scary seeing Abby being put on the gurney and wheeled into the ambulance. When the paramedics left with Abby I went up to her room to see of any clues as to how this happened. She definetly got robbed. Her money and jewelery was gone. I sat on her bed and sobbed until I heard the door open from downstairs. It was Abby's parents.

"Where's my baby??" her mom said sobbing.

"The paramedics just took her. I'm going to the hospital now. I will take you guys. Tell Tania and Anthony to meet us there." I told them trying to hold my tears back but I lost it. I sobbed and cried the most I have ever cried in years. While Abbys parents went to her room and got changed I went over to Marianas house and told her the bad news.

" A-a-abbys i-in the h-o-ospital." I told her while still crying. She somehow managed to hear what I was saying. I tried to stop crying and I told her why. She was in a state of shock and she began to cry. I told her I would call her when she would be able to come to the hospital.

We got to the hospital about 15 minutes later.

"Can I help you?" The front desk lady asks us.

"Hi we are here to see Abby Johnson she was brought here by ambulance." I told her.

"Okay, what is her date of birth?" She asked.

"December 13th 1997." I told her.

"Okay... She is in room B732."

"Thank you."

We ran around looking for the room and we finally found it. Abby was still unconscious. There were about 4 nurses checking her vital signs, heart etc. She was hooked under so many different machines. I was scared that she wasnt going to make it so I again, lost it. I was crying so much. I couldn't believe this happened. Then suddenly a nurse ran out to tell us something

"Hi. Yes. Abby is going to need to go under immediate surgery. She has lost a lot of blood. Her wound is really deep and it can cause a serious infection if she doesnt go under surgery now." She told us.

Abby was taken to surgery righ then. We waited in the waiting room for about a few hours waiting to hear news about Abby. The whole time I prayed and prayed that she would make it. After 3 hours the doctor came to the waiting room.

"Abby did really well under surgery. She is still  unconscious though but it should go away tomorrow morning. We would like to keep her overnight to make sure shes fine and she may be able to leave tomorrow at noon. The full recovery may take about 6-8 weeks." He explained.

"Okay. Thank you so much doc." Abbys dad said.

Thank god she is okay. All of out prayers worked. I got a call from a local number that I didn't know.


"Hi, is this Kian Lawley? Partner of Abby Johnson?"

"Yes sir. May I ask who this is?"

"This is Officer Wilden, we have identified the robberer of Abby, James Peter. He was caught trying to break into a car and he had a bag of jewlery and money. We asked neighbors if they've recognized the jewelery and neighbor Mariana Ramirez said it belonged to Abby."

"Okay. Thank you so much officer have a great day."

"Guys Abbys robberer wad found. James Peter. He was caught breaking into a car and he had a bag of jewelry and money and Mariana told them it was Abbys." I told them.

" Oh thank god." They all said.

Mariana came running to us telling us that James was found and I told her about the call I got. We where all able to go see Abby. I let Abbys family go see ger first, then Mariana then I went in by myself.

"Hey Abby. Even though you can't hear me I just wanted to tell you that I love you. I was so scared to lose you. Thank god your okay. You're the most beautiful,kind and intelligent person I have ever met. You're my best friend in the whole world I love you to the moon and back. Please wake up." I said crying tears of joy.

I put my head down right next to hers. Suddenly I felt her move I immediately got up and saw her eyes starting to open. My face was the same as a kid on christmas morning.

"Uh where am I?" Abby said wierded out.

"ABBY!!!!!! UR AWAKE!" I said pulling her in for a kiss.

"Yeahh.. Am I in a hospital? How did you get here?? Weren't you supposed to go to your super important family breakfast??" She asked puzzled.

"Babe, its 5 PM and you're here because someone robbed you and stabbed you." I said sad.

"OMG! REALLY!?!?! WHEN? HOW?" she asked not remembering it.

"Today at your house someone broke in and took your money and jewelery but dont worry its back. He got caught."

"Wow." she said.

"Hey everyone Abbys awake!!" I shouted to everyone in the hall they all rushed in to see her. Its a miracle that she's okay.


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