Chapter 27

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I kept shaking Kian until he began to wake up.

"Whats wrong?" He said half asleep.

"Pain! LOTS OF IT!" I said while holding my stomach.

"Okay, one second." Kian said while storming out of the room. He came back with water and the medicine the nurse prescribed. I took it and felt somewhat better.

I woke up again a few hours later. In way more pain I started to cry. Kian woke up to the sound of my crying. This pain was not like anything I've ever felt before. On a scale of 1-10, this pain is a 700. I looked down and found myself in a puddle of water. My water broke. Kian quickly went to the bathroom and washed his face off with cold water. He grabbed the baby bag from the nursery and came to the room and took me to the car.


"Abby you're doing great! Keep pushing the babys almost here!" The doctor ordered.

I followed orders and kept pushing. Gosh, having a baby is a struggle! I was so sweaty and gross. I took a break for about 30 seconds and then pushed really hard.

"It's a girl!" The doctors said smiling.

Once I heard the baby crying, I couldn't help but cry. She was so beautiful.

  "We did it!" Kian said while wiping away his tears of joy followed by a kiss.

Once they wiped the baby they let me hold her. It was so surreal holding her precious tiny body in my hands. Kian took a picture of us and posted it to his social media. Then it wad Kians turn with the baby.

Kians POV

The baby is finally here! She is the cutest baby I have ever seen. I couldn't help but cry when I saw her. Holding her in my hands and being able to call her my daughter is so amazing.

"The baby is 7 pounds 4 oz. do you have a name for the baby?" The nurse asked.

"Stephanie Marie Lawley." Abby said with a smile.

I couldn't stop smiling. I was just so happy that the baby was here.

I went out to the waiting room and call everyone to come see the baby. Abbys mom came in first. Then My parents, then all our friends. I was kind of mad that Abby's dad didn't come. He wasn't here for her at all during her pregnancy. He could've atleast come see his grand child.

Abbys POV

Having everyone here to come see the baby was so much fun. I got to go back home with her in 2 days! She doesn't cry so often so far. She has a perfect face. She looks just like Kian. I'm just so glad that she's here.

"Hi baby Stephanie! I'm your mommy and this is your daddy. Your birthday is March 25th." I said to baby acting like she would understand me.

•2 Days Later•

Kian, the baby and I where all in the car on the way home. I can't wait to bring my baby home! When we got home, Kian opened the car door for me and Steph and he grabbed the baby bag. When we entered everyone came charging to the door to see Stephanie.

"She is literally the cutest baby I have ever seen." Andrea said.

"Hey! I wanna hold her!" Jc said while Connor was holding her.

"Hey! Don't fight over my babyy!!" I said playfully.

"I need my child to breast feed, so scoot!" I said sitting on the couch.

I held Steph up to my boob and she drank her milk. It was a little awkward because everyone was still there, but then it became unawkward. Is that even a word? When she was done drinking, I burped her and let whoever didn't get to hold her hold her.

Kian came over and sat next to me on the couch eating a sandwich.

"Isn't Steph so perfect??"I said to him smiling.

"Mmhm!" He said swolling.

"I'm thankful that I have 3 wonderful ladies in my life now." He said smiling.

"Aw, I love you so much Kian." I said giving him a hug.

"I love you too." He said smiling

Authors Note

Omg! THE BABY IS HERE!! Isn't the name so purtyy?? Anyways, thanks for 2.4K Reads!!! I love you so much for reading! So I've made my decision about the next fanfiction.. DRUMROLL PLEASEEE......

I've decided to do a Jc Caylen fan fiction AND a sequal to this!! It's gonna be hars af but I'll manage!

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