Chapter 43

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I'mm baackkk!!! It feels great to be back! I am so so so excited to finish up the story for you guys!! Thanks for sticking by with the story while I was on break! Remember after today every Saturday I'll be updating this book and every Friday I'll be updating When You Wish Upon A Cloud. Enjoyy!!


Kian suddenly stormed off running. He left everything he had besides his phone and wallet and just ran. I tried to catch up to him but it was no use. I was out of breath within seconds. Man, I need to get back in shape. I said to myself.

I immediately jumped in the car and tried to catch up to Kian. Luckily, I found him at the bus stop waiting for the bus. I honked at him and it kind of startled him.

"OH MY GOD! ABBY?!" He said breathing deeply holding his hand up against his heart. Okay, maybe I startled him a lot more than I thought.

"Let's go home Kian. We need to talk." I told him.

I checked my phone and noticed it was already 7:30. Kian was gonna miss his flight!

"Kian! It's 7:30!! LETS GO!" I said louder.

He finally made his way to the car. Not saying a word, and sitting in the back seat. The car ride was silent. Not a sound or word was said.

I can't believe Kian is acting like this.

It's not like him.

Something is definitely wrong with him.

We finally arrived home. I finally had the guts to spit out something.

"It's almost 8 pm. Are you going on your flight or not?" I asked quite not wanting a rage from him again.

"Abby are you really that stupid?! How do you think I'll be able to get to LAX through security, through baggage check in 45 minutes?" He spat.

I felt tears roll down my cheek not used to this side of Kian. I got up and out of the car and slammed the door shut running inside. Not caring if he was inside yet. I ran straight to the nursery and locked myself in there and cried and cried and cried until everything suddenly blacked out.


I woke up confused why it was pitch black. I felt around the floor for my phone until I finally got it. i unlocked it and put it down faster than anything. The brightness really got to me! Once I regained my strength I checked again.3:52 AM. I got up and turned the light on a very dim setting just so I could check on Stephanie who was sound asleep. I laid back down on the ground trying to fall back asleep.

I just couldn't.

I slowly crept out of Stephanie's bedroom and back to my own. Not to go to sleep, but to find the reason why he was actually like an asshole. I set the lights dim and began looking everywhere.


Then it hit me to check the bathroom.

I looked and looked for everything until I finally found something.


I took the bottle of pills and read the label

It had a weird and long name like any other medication. I read the name carefully and typed it onto google to find out more about this pill.

Aha! This is it! The website said symptoms may include, High levels of anger and bipolar behavior. The medication will wear off 12 hours after being consumed.

Kian probably took the medication right after he found out about his mom being ill which is when the breakout happened. I just hoped he'll be back to normal in the morning.

I decided to crawl in bed with him and lay there till my eyelids grew heavy, which eventually, they did.

I woke up about 6 hours later finding Kian gone from the bed. As I was rubbing my eyes to help awaken me, Kian walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist and a smaller one drying his hair as he walked. He made eye contact with me and he smiled. Does this mean the medicine wore off??

"Good Morning babe" He said softly while planting a kiss on my lips.

Did he forget everything?

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