Chapter 23

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"OH MY GOSH CONGRATS!!" They all said filled with excitement.

"I can't wait till we get to babysit her after shes born!" Connor said.

"She's going to be a beautiful little one." Jc said.

"NAME IT SHANIQUA!" Ricky shouted. He would say that!

 "Wait guys! I'm getting a call be right back!" Carlos shouted and ran out to the patio.

(C:Carlos G:Guy On Phone)

C: Hello?

G: Hello is this Carlos Hernandez?

C: Yes sir, who is this?

G: This is coach Braden from your soccer try out, and I am sad to inform you that you have not made it on the team. Sorry.

C: Oh.. Ok. Thanks. Bye

 Carlos' POV

I can't believe I didn't make the team. I worked my ass off and put forth all my effort for it and everything.  Ugh, I'm so pissed. 

Abbys POV

We where all so excited about the baby and how its coming so soon! Then I realized Carlos was gone for a while.

 "Hey guys, I'm gonna go find Carlos. He's been gone for a while now." I told them walking towards the slide door that led outside from the kitchen.

"Carlos! Are you okay??" I asked seeing the sadness on his face.

"If I told you I am, I'd be lying." He said upset.

"Whats wrong?" I asked.

"I got a call from Coach Braden. I didn't make the team." He said really upset.

"Aww Carlos!! I'm sorry!"  I said pulling him in for a hug.

"I worked my ass off for this and I can't believe I didn't make the team. I feel like a failure." He told me.

"Hey! Your are NOT a failure! You're amazing at soccer. More oppurtunities will come hopefully." I said giving hima reassuring smile.

"Thanks Abby. You know how to cheer someone up." Carlos said smiling.

"Thats what I do!" I said. We both laughed and walked inside.

  We told the guys about how Carlos didn't make the team. He seemed so upset! Soccer is like his life pretty much and to see him get turned down is so upsetting. The guys all filmed a video with Carlos to cheer him up and they made Carlos his channel. 

 "Kian  we're going shopping for the nursery tomorrow okay? We still have to paint the room all the furniture is here right?" I asked Kian.

"Okay. We'll go to Home Depot tomorrow to get the paint and yes the furnitures in the basement." Kian told me.

I can't wait to set up the nursery! It's gonna be so much fun! I'm gonna get everything I need tomorrow like diapers, wipes, clothes, milk formula, etc. I am so excited to have this baby!  It was getting really late, like 3 AM late, so we all decided to go to sleep.

The next morning I woke up at around 11 ish. I went to go take a shower. After that, I woke up Kian and made Bacon & Eggs with toast for everyone. When Kian finally woke up, we left to go shopping.

5 Hours Later

Kian and I just finished our shopping. Boy, was it a long day. We got everything we needed for the baby. Literally. EVERYTHING. I'm going to start online school next week Im doing it till the beginning of June then going back to school for graduation. 

 The next day everyone stayed home to help with the nursery. All the guys got all the furniture from the basement and brought it up stairs. For furniture we got a crib, dresser,a rocking chair, and a changing table. We got baby pink paint for the walls. We took everything out of Jc's room which he began to put in his new room. After the room was completely empty we all started painting the walls. After we where done painting the walls we let it dry for 6 hours. After it was completely dry, we set up the whole room. It was perfect.

  "Sweetie do you like your room?" Kian said while talking to my stomach."

  "We did it!" I said while pulling Kian in for a hug and a kiss.

 "I can't wait for the baby to come!" We told each other.

 It was such a busy and tiring day so we all fell asleep.


I know I don't usually like do Authors Notes at the end of chapters but I think I should now. Lol IM SO SORRY FOR UPDATING SO LATE I'VE BEEN COMING HOME FROM SCHOOL AT 9 PM EVERDAY THIS WEEK BECAUSE OF PLAY REHEARSALS AND THE ACTUAL PLAY! Hope you like this chapter! Let me know if you liked it by voting for this chapter! 

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