Chapter 47

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1 Year Later

I smiled as I saw the snow gently fall outside my hotel room window.

"So this is what snow looks like." I said to myself.

Guess who got a modeling job? I did. I got a job as a Nordstrom model and we have our winter photo shoot in New York. So far its been amazing I really love my job. I've made so many friends and pretty decent amount of money. It's been a year, so let me update you.

We found our dream house in downtown Los Angeles. It's a gated neighborhood, really safe and quiet. {A/N Imagine this as the new O2L house}

Stephanie, who's now 5, just started Kindergarten this past fall and Robert, who's now 2 and a half just started walking. They're so adorable, always smiling, never crying thank god.

I just turned 21 last month woo hoo! I'm an official adult! Don't worry I haven't gotten wasted. Yet. Just kiddinnggg!!! I was interrupted by my phone's dinging notifying me I had a text.

David: Make sure you're all here by 6:30 AM tomorrow! Starbuck will be provided.. As well as the address below:

3210 Jacksonville Street
Brooklyn, NY 20971

If you're late, I kill you.


Queen David👸

I laughed as I read the text. Oh yeah I forgot to tell you David is my boss, probably the best boss ever. He's like my gay best friend I trust him with anything.

I glanced at the top of my phone to check the time. 11:27 PM. I should probably get ready for bed. I tossed my phone on my bed and as soon as it hit the bed, it rang. I quicky checked to see who was calling and it was Kian wanting to FaceTime. I'll make an acception for him.

"Hi honey!!" I smiled.

"Mommy!! Mah-mee!" Stephanie screamed as well as Robert trying to talk, melting my heart.

"Hi guys!! Why are you up so late it's almost midnight?!" I freaked as the mom in me came out.

"Um Abby?" A smile crept on his face.

"Yes?" I asked.

"You realize it's only 8:33." He laughed.

"Ohhh yeah!! I'm sorry for yelling!" I laughed at how stupid I sounded forgetting our time difference.

"Ha, hashtag time zone probs." i chuckled.

Guys! It's snowing!! Want to see snow??" I asked them excitingly.

"OOOH YES!!" Steph squealed.

"It's kind of dark but try and look." I said facing the camera towards the window.

"OOHH!! I SEE IT! IT'S SO COOL!!" Steph said clapping. I laughed not seeing her this happy since the time she slid down the biggest slide at The Bounce House.

"How are you mommy?" Stephanie asked me ever so innocently.

"I'm great!! It's freezing down here! How are you guys doing?? How is school??" I asked shivering.

"School is good. I was the star student today! Robert is doing good too! He's walking all over the place now!" She smiled.

"Really?? Congratulations sweetie! I'm so proud of you! I'll bring you both a surprise when I come home!" I smiled.

"Yay okay!!" She cheered.

"What about me?? I want a present!" Kian pouted.

"Don't worry honey, I'll give you a surprise too." I winked at him.

Summer Love | Kian LawleyWhere stories live. Discover now