Chapter 10

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Kians POV

Everyone was so relieved that Abby is okay. Especially me. I will never let this happen to her again.

"Hi, may I please ask that you all exit except for Kian please and of course Abby. I would like to ask them some questions. Thank you." The doctor asked politely. Our awkward conversation went like this.

  "So how long have you two been together?" The doctor asks.


  "Almost 4 months." We replied.


  "Have you two been involved in sexual activity?" And that's when the awkwardness began. It caused us both to blush.

"No sir, not yet." I told him.

"Okay well if you do in the future, please wait about a full month after she's is fully recovered at the earliest. Just incase." He directed at me.

" Uh.. Okay.." I said.

He left to give us some privacy. We both looked at each other and began to laugh. I am honestly not ready to have sex with Abby. I want to wait till at least a year.

Abbys POV

Oh lord.. I cannot believe that conversation just happened. I'm not ready to do it till at least a year! It started to get late and I got tired. I told everyone they could go home. I went on my phone for a little and then fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up to Kian standing there with flowers.

"Aw thanks babe." I said while pulling him in for a hug and kiss.

"No problem." He said.

Shortly after the nurse walked in.

"Okay Abby, you seem fine and your vitals are good everythings good you can go home. But I'm going to need these papers signed." The nurse said.

Kian went and signed the papers. I was so excited to be able to leave. After about 5 minutes Kian came back.

"Babe your mom packed an outfit to wear for today I have it in my car let me go get it." He said.

"Okay." I told him.

While Kian went to his car the nurses took all the IV's and everything else out of me. They told me how to treat my wound, how to clean it etc. Kian came back with my clothes. I went into the bathroom and changed. Then we left.

"You hungry? We can stop by The Dunkin Donuts drive thru." Kian said.

"Yeah, I could use a doughnut." I said smiling.

"I'm so glad you're okay." Kian said pulling me in for a kissy.

We went to Dunkin and got donuts and finally got home. Kian being the sweetheart that he is, carried me to my room. He gently placed me on my bed. I looked around the crime scene and saw a stain of blood. Lot's of it.

"Well I was thinking.. Remember what the doctor said about us having sex?

"Um. Yes. What about it?" He asked shyly.

"I wanna wait. At least a year. I am not ready to do it so soon. And plus, it woulf be my first time." I told him.

"Yea me too. I wanna wait a year. Maybe our 1 year anniversary?" Kian said with a winky face.

"Hahaha okay. The date is settled. :)" I said while giggling.

  I told Kian how to treat my wound incase im too lazy one day and he would be there for me :) I love how concentrated he was. He even wanted practice! He called changing the wrap for me tonight. Ahh I love him so much☺. We spent the rest of the day hanging out in my room. I told Kian to sleep over as long as his parents agreed to it.

Kian called his dad and asked and I could hear his dad say jokingly "No Sex. She just got out of the hospital." Boy, did I blush. Well anyways his dad said yes! Iove being with Kian. Then it hit me.

"Oh shoot! I'm gonna miss so much school!" I told him.

"It'll be okay you'll just be enrolled as a new student. Don't worry about it. Consider it Extended break. :)" He told me.

"Oh Okay." I told him.

"So, when can you come to school?"

"Uhh I think October 10th. I need to be fully recovered before I go to school. My recovery is going to take at the most, a month." I explained to him.

"Wow thats quite a while from now." He said.

"I know right, but DO NOT EVER make me your excuse from now till October 10th to not be able to hang out with your friends. I will be fine I have my whole family too. I am not going to be the reason that you didn't get to be social. Understand me?" I told him.

"Hahaha okay babe :)." He said.


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