Chapter 46

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"Abby." He said pulling me in closely.

"I've missed you so much!" His voice muffled due to his head buried in my neck.

"I've missed you too!" I began to cry realizing this is real life, Kian is home!

"How are the kids?" He immediately pulled away running around looking for them.

Robert was in his play pen laying there. It wasn't long till he was in the warm embrace of Kian.

"Hi Robert! I'm your daddy. You haven't seen me besides FaceTime, and I've missed you so much." Tears rolled down his cheek.

"DAAADDDYYY!!!!" Stephanie came running to the living room with her arms out.

"Oh my god, Stephanie!" He gently placed Robert back in the play pen and quickly picked up Stephanie and spun her around.

"I thought I put you to bed Steph!" I was surprised how awake she was.

"I couldn't sleep. I was coming to get you but I saw Daddy!" She smiled and hugged him.

"You've gotten so big!" He smiled.

"I'm 4 now!" She giggled in her cute baby voice.

"I've missed you so much!" He then pulled her in a hug once again.

"I missed you tew daddy." She hugged back.

"Where are the guys?" He asked me.

"Jc's upstairs, Con is apartment hunting, and Ricky's out running errands." I explained.

"I'm gonna go surprise Jc." He smiled and quietly walked downstairs.

I walked to the living room and looked up to see the "balcony" that over looked the foyer and living room. I smiled as I saw Kian walking quietly towards his room.

"He's in the shower!" Kian whispered.

I quickly thought of pranks we could pull on him and suddenly came up with something.

"I got something!" I jumped

"What is it??" He asked.

"Okay so what we're going to do is you go downstairs and hide the kids in the playroom in the basement. Rob is actually asleep so I'll go put him in the nursery. I'll text you and say "now." And what you'll do is make loud noises and quietly take Steph downstairs while I hang with Jc in his room and we'd both be like "what was that?" And I'll say "I'll go check." And then I'll go downstairs and freak out and scream for Jc and tell him someone broke in and kidnapped the kids. Then I'll ask Jc to check the house and the basement and you scare him."

"Sounds like a plan." He smiled.

I quickly hid his suitcases in our closet while he took Steph downstairs and put Rob in the nursery. I went downstairs and opened the back door and Kian back upstairs.

"Lets do this." He smirked.


"Hey." I knocked on Jc's door.

"Hey, come in." He replied.

I opened the door and nonchalantly sat on his bed and we had a conversation.

"Now." I texted Kian.

Suddenly a loud slam came from the back door and a bang in the kitchen.

"What was that?!" We both yelled at the same time.

"I-i'm gonna go check, and make sure the kids are okay." I mumbled looking scared. I was a natural at this!

"No I'll go. It could've been anything. Wait a minute- the kids?! They're down there?" He asked.

"They were taking a nap!" I replied sort of loud.

"I'm gonna go now." I quickly ran down the stairs, Jc watching from the balcony. As soon as I entered the living room, I let out a quiet laugh. I quickly got myself together to get ready for the best part.

"JC!!" I screamed terrified.

"WHAT?" He quickly ran down the stairs.

"SOMEONE BROKE IN! THE KIDS ARE GONE!" I sobbed making it look so real.

"WHAT?!" He ran his fingers through his head furious. Tears filling up his eyes. At this point, I was on the floor bawling my eyes out as well as Jc.

"I'm calling 911!" Jc screamed.

"Wait!" I quickly stopped.

"Let's check around first." I tried calming myself down.

"Uh- okay?!" He asked confused.

"I'll look upstairs you look downstairs." I quickly ran upstairs.

Jc can be stupid at times like today and actually listen to me by not calling 911 which kind of disappointed me because would he have done that if this were a real situation?

"AHH" I heard a scream from the basement and immediately laughed running down the stairs.

"KIAN?!?" He screamed surprised.

"HAHAHHAHAHA" I laughed at him.

"YOU WERE IN ON THIS?!" He screamed.

"Yup! All my idea. The kids are all nice and safe. Kian though, was a surprise." I giggled.

"Aw Kian! I missed you." They hugged for 5 hours until I cleared my throat.

"Sorry Jc, he's mine." I laughed as well as him and Kian.

"Not gonna lie, that was a good one."

"I know." I proudly smiled.

"We got yew!" Steph pointed at Jc and laughed.

"You sure did!" Jc said as he threw her up in the air.

"It sure is good to be home." Kian smiled as he pulled us all in for a group hug.

"Come on Steph lets go get ready for bed." I said as I motioned her to come with me.

As soon as I finished getting Steph ready for bed I quickly changed into a v neck and spandex and also got myself ready for bed. I sighed as I made my way to join Kian in the bed.

"So, how are you?" I asked as I turned to face him.

"If I told you I was okay, I would be lying." He shot a weak smile at me.

"I'm so sorry Kian." I said as I inter-winded our fingers.

"Me too." He frowned.

"I-" he began, his eyes glossy from the tears beginning to form in his eyes.

"I miss her so much." He cried on my shoulder.

"I'm sure you do honey but you have to realize she is in a much better place now. She up in heaven with no pains or anything. She's looking down on you. She needs you to be strong for her and I need you to too." I explained.

"You're right.. But it's going to take time and I need you to understand that." He looked at me with guilt washed over his face.

"Baby I completely understand. I want you to know that we are all here for you no matter what, through thick and thin, we will always be there for you. We love you Kian."

"Thank you so much Abby. You always know how to make me feel better. I love you so much." He pulled me in for a kiss.

"I love you too, Kian."

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