Chapter 45

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It's been 2 years. 2 years since the love of my life left in the blink of an eye. Steph is 4 and in preschool, and Robert, the one you haven't met yet is 1 and a half and I'm 20. Unfortunately, Kian's mother passed away a year ago due to a rare disease she had that doctors didn't have the cure to.

Things have changed slightly here in LA. My dad finally started helping out with things since Kian was no longer here. The boys have been super busy with their careers they have not as much time to help as they used to. They have to put 110% effort into their videos, they're audience grew to a great 2.6 Million recently. Yes, Kian uploads videos twice weekly, the only time I get to "see" him. And now for the sad part, Connor is no longer in O2L. Things were getting super stressful with him so he decided the best option was to no longer make O2L videos. He's still a great friend and like a brother to us all.

Last surprise.. We're moving! Too many fans have been finding the house, invading our privacy. It's sweet, but there's a limit ya feel? We're actually going house hunting this week and I'm so excited! Okay, VERY last surprise.. Kian's coming home next month!! I am BEYOND excited for this!! I haven't seen him in what feels like a century and a half. I am so ready for his beautiful face to come home.

I quickly checked my phone and realized it was 3:21. I gasped and ran upstairs and slipped my shoes on and grabbed my keys. Stephanie's bus gets here at 3:30!

"JC! JC! WHERE ARE YOU?" I screamed panicking. I soon heard a thud and fast running.

"WHAT'S WRONG?!" He screamed short of breath.

"I got to go get Stephanie now. Please watch Rob!!" I said running down the stairs.

"Okay, he's with me!"

"Thank you!!" I ran to the car and sped to the bus stop making it just on time.

"Hi Steph! How was school?" I asked walking her to the car.

"Good!! We learn counting!" She said in her cute little baby voice.

"Aw that's good! Did you eat your lunch?" I asked buckling her in her booster seat.

"Yes mommy! I ate it alll up." She smiled.

"Good girl!" I kissed her cheek.

We drove home and I made Steph a little snack and put on the T.V for her while I went to go change Robs diaper.

"Play dates over guys. I kinda need my son back." I said knocking on Jc's door.

"Nooo!! He stayingg! Best dude ever." Jc said putting sunglasses on him and taking a selfie.

"Okay then that's fine. You can change his diaper yourself." I smiled.

"Well in that case, "Robby let's go to mama" Here." He said carefully placing Rob in my hands.

"Thank youu" I said singy-songy walking back to the nursery to change his diaper.

I brought Robert downstairs so I could feed him his baby food. While I was pulling out the baby food, Jc came downstairs and sat at the bar stool against the Island counter in the kitchen. The living room/kitchen was all an open space so everyone was practically in the same room.

"Where is Ricky? Haven't seen him in a while." I asked.

"He's been running errands all day and Cons been apartment hunting. I'm the only one home." He said scrolling through twitter.

"I don't want Con to move away! I want him to stay with us." I pouted as I fed Rob his peas.

"Me neither. I'm gonna miss not living with him. It's gonna feel so weird." Jc said.

"Mama!! I'm a little hungwee!" Steph said as she patted her belly.

"Yeah mommy! I'm hungwee tooo!!" Jc pretended to be a baby and did the same as Steph.

"Hey! Are yew copying me?!" Steph yelled at Jc as she crossed her arms with a sassy attitude with her little high pitched voice. I swear, she's the cutest.

"Yes I am missy!" Jc then copied her again.

While they were fooling around and Robert was quietly watching from his play pen, I made my famous Shrimp Linguini that everyone loved.

"Dinner's readyy!!!" I shouted. Everyone gasped and ran to wash their hands and sat at the table.

I handed Steph and Jc each a plate of food and they began to devour it.

" I'm gonna finish first!" Steph yelled at Jc.

"No! I am!" Jc pouted.

"Race ya!!" Steph yelled.

I kinda sat back and chuckled watching what was happening in front of me.

"Please don't choke!!" I advised.

I absolutely loved the relationship Jc and Steph had. It was so brother/sisterly. It reminded me lots of Nash Grier and his little sister Skylynn's relationship. It was too cute. Jc ended up winning and poor Steph got super boiled.

"UGH JAY CEEE!" She yelled about to cry.

"Jc!! You couldn't have let her win??" I asked in that "seriously?!" Tone if you know what I mean.

"Sorry! I was hungry!" He smiled.

Steph simply turned around and crossed her arms and pouted.

"I have an idea! How bout we make cookies Steph?!" I said knowing she LOVED cookies.

"OOHH YES!!" She screeched in excitement.

"Okay!! Let me clean the counter and get out the ingredients." I said getting up and putting my dishes in the dishwasher.

I quickly checked on Robert and he fell asleep in his play pen. I carefully took him upstairs to his crib and thankfully he stayed asleep. It was about 7:45 PM. Rob is an early sleeper and a late waker upper.

I came downstairs and noticed Jc on the couch with his laptop editing an O2L video I guessed.

"Ready mommy!" Steph said with her chef's hat and an apron in her hand I got her for her birthday.

I quickly put her apron on and her hat on and grabbed mine too and we took some fun selfies and began making cookies.

Flour everywhere, and 20 minutes later, the cookies were all done and looked delicious.

"Ooohh!! Can I have one?!" Jc said walking in the kitchen.

"That's Steph's choice." I said pointing at Steph.

"No! You don't get one big boy!" She smiled.

"Aww!! Wahhh!!!" Jc began to fake cry.

"Oh grow up!" I playfully slapped his back.

Steph laughed while her and I devoured the delicious cookies and Jc watched looking butt hurt.

"Okay Steph, go upstairs and change into your pajamas I'm coming to help you clean up. I said taking off my chefs hat.

"Here." I said bringing the cookies to Jc as I was walking up to go help Steph get ready for bed.

"Goodnight Stephanie! I love youu!" I said placing a kiss on her forehead.

"Goodnight mommy! I wuv you too." She said cutely.

I closed her door slightly and walked downstairs. I passed the mirror we had and saw all the flour all over my face and how worn out I looked. I quickly went to clean up the mess in the kitchen. While I was wiping the counter down, the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it." I said.

As I opened the door, I couldn't believe who was infront of me smiling wide. My jaw was way passed the floor, probably slightly above the floor of the basement.




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