Chapter 25

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A/N Okay, how is this possible. How did I reach 1,100+ reads in like a day or two?? You guys are the lol anyways thanks for reading! Make sure to vote and share this with your friends!

Follow me on twittah: @theo2lfans_

*2 Months Later*

 In just a few weeks, I'll be giving birth to our beautiful baby girl. I am so excited! Kian has been there for me every step of the way and I can't thank him enough. Tomorrow his parents are coming home from Italy to help us out. I got up out of the cozy and warm bed and walked over to the bathroom but of course, Kian was in it showering. I went downstairs and used the bathroom there then I walked over to the kitchen to make breakfast. I noticed Carlos on the phone again extremely happy.

Carlos on the phone

"Oh Thank you so much sir!"



"I understand"

"It's okay."

"I look forward to the next practice." What next practice? I said to myself.

"Okay  Thank you. Bye"


"Who was that?" I asked.

"Coach Braden! I'm on the team! They called the wrong Carlos. But I'm so happy Abby! I made the team!" He said jubilantly.

"Oh my gosh! Congratulations! Thats great!" I said going over to give him a hug. It was extremely awkward because of the big gap caused by my baby bump.

Then Kian walked in the kitchen.

"Whats going on?" Kian asked puzzled at our excitement.

"I MADE THE TEAM! THEY CALLED THE WRONG PERSON!" Carlos yelled so happy at his accomplishment.

"Thats so amazing! Im so proud of you!" Kian said to Carlos while "bro hugging".

Soon everyone started coming downstairs and Carlos told them all about how he made the team. He was so happy!

"Lets all go out for froyo tonight!" Kian shouted.

 Since Kians parents where going to come tomorrow we cleaned up a bit and set the guest room for them. After we where all done we ate lunch and filmed a huge Q&A collab. Ricky edited it and uploaded it. Then it was time for froyo! We went to YogurtLand and ate there. I made my look really pretty so I post a picture on Instagram. Then I dug in. 

 "Lets walk around the city for a little!" Jc suggested.

 After we all finished Jc and Kian took their penny boards out from the trunk and started to skate and I walked with Jenn and Andrea. We just started walking around and vlogged.  We where all walking having a good time then suddenly I felt pain. REALLY bad pain.

"Oh my god, Ouch!" I said while going over the bench to sit down before I fall.

"Whats wrong??!?!" They all asked concerned.

"ONE OF YOU GUYS RUN TO MY CAR AND DRIVE UP HERE WE HAVE TO GET HER TO A HOSPITAL. HURRY!" Kian yelled extremely worried. Then Connor darted towards the car.

"Are you okay?! Whats wrong??" Kian asked.

"I- I;m in pai- OWW!" I said barely even able to speak.

Kians POV

Out of nowhere Abby started experiencing really bad pain so I had Connor go run to get the car so we can go to a hospital. I was so worried. I didn't know what was happening. I tried calming her down until Connor came with the car. 

"ANDREA, JENN AND JC COME WITH ME. THE REST OF YOU GUYS GO GET YOUR CARS AND MEET ME AT THE HOSPITAL." I told them while trying to get Abby safely in the car. As soon as she was in I tried to get to the hospital as fast as I could, I even ran a couple red lights. 

 I looked over at Abby and saw that she was in incredible pain. I grabbed her hand and told her that everything will be okay, when in reality. We don't even know if everything will be okay. We finally got to the hospital. I called Abbys parents and told them what happened.

 "My girlfriend is experiencing bad pain and she's pregnant I need help!" I yelled.

"You'll have to fill out these papers sir." The front desk lady said while handing me a clipboard full of papers.


"Okay sir, calm down! She'll be fine we'll take her in." The lady said.

 A few nurses rushed and came and took her as they where taking her, everyone started showing up. To my suprise, they let all 130 of us back there. They gave Abby some medication and ran some tests on her.

"Abby is fine, she was just experiencing bad contractions which is normal, but she is a little dehyrdated so make sure shes drinking plenty of water its very important that she does. She'll be able to go home tomorrow morning, we want to keep her here overnight just to be sure shes perfectly fine." The doctor told me.

"Will I be able to stay here with her?" I asked,

"I'm afraid not sir, our policy is we only allow people to stay if its serious, she's fine don't worry." She responded.

"Oh okay." I said. She walked out to go see another patient. 

"I love you Abby." I said giving her a kiss before leaving.

I'm glad shes okay and that it wasn't anything serious. But I can't help but think what if something happens in the middle of the night and I'm not there? I walked out the room and everyone got up.

"Is she okay?" They all asked.

"Yes, shes fine she just needs to stay over night so that they are 100% sure she is. We can go home now." I said.

 "I'll drive home." Jc offered.

 Its a good thing he did because I really didn't want to drive. I'm just really worried and all I can think about is Abby and her not being here. I tried to not think about it but I just couldn't. I'm just happy that her and the baby are okay. When we got home I went up to my room. It was so weird being alone. I was so used to Abby being here with me. I wanted tomorrow to come faster so that I could see the love of my life faster, so I tried going to sleep. But I just couldn't go to sleep. I had to go back. I slipped my vans on and grabbed my keys and went back to the hospital. 

 When I got there I saw Abby there sleeping so peacefully. Then the nurse came in.

"Sir, I thought I told you that you couldn't sleep here?" The nurse said looking annoyed.

"Who said I was going to sleep?" I said.

She looked at me weird. She checked on Abby and then left.

I went over to Abby and just looked at her. I gave her a kiss and then went back to my seat. I was on my phone looking thorught twitter and instagram. Then I heard Abby moving around and her eyes beginnign to flutter open.

"Abby! How are you feeling?" i said so excited to see her up.


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