Chapter 26

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Abbys POV

I woke up to bright lights and machines hooked up to me. I looked around and saw Kian sitting there.

  "Abby! How are you feeling?" He asked.

"I'm okay, I have a minor headache, but the stomach pain is gone." I said half asleep hoping he understood what I was saying.

"I'm going to go see if I can find the nurse." He said while walking to the door.

As I turned to lay on my side I felt my phone buzz. I pulled it out of my pocket and had over 200 mentions and interactions on Twitter, 8 texts and Snaps.

I tooked through my mentions and noticed that they all where tweets saying feel better. So then I decided to tweet "Thank you for all the get better wishes! I'm fine. I'm leaving the hospital soon. The baby is perfectly fine too!"

Just as I was done, Kian walked in the room followed by the nurse. She checked my temperature and took a quick sonogram.

"Okay Abby, you and the baby are fine. I want you on bed rest starting Sunday. Just drink plenty of water and stay hydrated.I do however want to prescribe you with the medication we gave you to relieve the contractions so Kian please come with me to sign some papers and you guys are free to go." The nurse said.

Kian went out to go sign the papers. I checked my snapchat and they where all from Jenn and Ricky. Pretty much selfies and a video of everyone at the house hoping I was feeling okay. I snapped her back a video saying how I was coming home soon. Finally Kian came back.

"Ready to go?" He said while grabbing my jacket and shoes from the chair.

"Yes! I wanna go home!" I pouted.

Kian helped me get my shoes on and gently got me off the gurney. He grabbed his phone and hoodie off the chair and we left. As I was getting in the car, I realized how hungry I was.

"Kian! I'm reallyyy hungry!!" I said and began to laugh.

"Okay, I'll tell Jc to make you something. What do you want?" He asked while pulling out his phone.

"Alfredo Pasta!!" I said.

"Okay let me text him real quick." He said.

It was a rather quiter ride home. We talked, but not much. All I could think about was food to be honest. When we got home we heard alot of talking and pans in the kitchen. I saw everyone there helping make me pasta.

"Aw you guys are so sweeettt!" I said putting my hand to my heart.

"ABBBBBBBYYYYYYYYY!!!! HOW ARE YOU??" They all said charging up to me and hugging me.

"I'm okay, but I'm going to be on bed rest starting Sunday." I said.

I wasn't looking forward to bed rest. I'm more active, I don't like sitting in one place especially for a month!

"Babe I really need to get some sleep because my parents are gettiing here early tomorrow morning good night babe!" Kian told me while giving me a kiss.

"Oh thats right! You're parents are coming! Goodnight!" I said.

"Abby come eat!" Jenn said taking me to the kitchen.

I ate my food and helped Carlos edit his YouTube video. I was really tired so I decided to go up to bed.

The next morning I woke up rather late because I didn't go to sleep till like 5 AM! It was around 12 when I woke up. Kian wasn't there. He had already left to get his parents from the airport. I'm really nervous and excited to meet Mr. and Mrs. Lawley. What if they don't like me?

I got up and went to take a shower. I wore a plain lazy outfit, a black v neck and grey sweatpants. I threw my hair up in a top knot and did eyeliner and concealer.

I went to the guest room to make sure everything was looking good for Kians parents. Then I heard suitcases rolling from outside and knew they had came.

I went over to go open the door and was greated very warmly by his parents.

"Oh, you must be Abby!! Kian has told us so much about you! Congratulations on the baby!! When is it coming??" She asked and then pulled me in for a hug.

"Oh my gosh hi! It's so nice to finally meet you! She's coming this month!" I said greeting her back.

"Hello Abby! Nice to meet you!" Kians dad said while shaking my hand.

So far so good. We showed them there room and allowed them to get settled for a while. We went out to dinner at The Cheesecake Factory and walked around after. It was getting late so we decided to head back.

By time we got home, it was 11:30ish Kians parents went to sleep and the rest of us filmed another collab together. It was really hard to stay quiet because these boys are thee LOUDEST. We had a little "party" in Kian and my's room. Then we started to get tired and went to bed.


I woke up in the middle of the night to the baby kicking me really hard. I was in excruciating pain. Oh, here it comes again.


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