CHAPTER 8: Bella did you say the chant right?

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Cutie Loren Gray as Arabella above***

I still remember my early years in the orphanage. When I was old enough to understand things but still young enough to be scared, I always had awful nightmares.

Sometimes it would be of me in the dark waiting for someone to come or my Mom carrying me then dropped me into an endless hole, whatever my nightmares were... They were always the worst.

I stopped having them when I was 12 but now that I'm here standing next to these "people" waiting for this waters color to change, my nightmares somehow returned. It's as if my life depended on this waters color.

We all stood there, me putting pressure on my open wrist while waiting for this water to calm down and show whatever's my faith.

And there it was calming down and I almost died when the water slowly emerged with the color red. No one spoke but I could feel Matts hand reaching up to mine and I let him hold it.

And suddenly I bursted into tears.

"It's okay!"
"We'll find a way!"
"What happened?"
"We're sure that didn't go as expected!"
"Bella did you say the chant right?"

Words like that escaped their mouths as they slowly piled on me to form a hug.

"Am I not good enou..."

I said in between sobs but Zach stopped me.

"Wait... Guys, guys!!! Look at the water!" Zach screamed.

Everyone scrammed and quickly looked at the falls. The red water is being sucked by yet another whirlpool and we noticed that it was getting very windy, I couldn't see properly because my hair was slapping my face and then suddenly, all the commotion stopped and the lake just burst! It looked like fireworks and when it finally settled, it came back to a sparklier lake.

Of course that event caused everyone to freeze in shock then we looked at each other and we started jumping and screaming and everyone was hugging me (even Zach) and Matt never did let go of my hand.

Allie screamed that we should head to the treehouse now and celebrate there.

I couldn't stop from smiling when I stepped on the golden stairs. At first I was so scared cause it felt like we were walking on air but it's really amazing.

We entered the house and wow! It was astonishingly sensational! I took a moment to sink all of this in my system. I can't believe that I'm here!

Cress and Bella immediately went to the kitchen to prepare a "feast", Allie and Ellie turned on the TV and focused there while the boys went upstairs. I sat on the sofa still amazed about this place.

"Wow! You're bleeding so badly! Need help?" Megan said looking at my wrist as she sat next to me.

"If help means you sucking my blood then no thanks." I replied which sent her laughing.

As if on cue, my wound slowly closed leaving no scar. Megan laughed because she said it took to long to heal and she said maybe because my "powers" are just regenerating.

I asked her to show me how fast she heals then she applied force on her hand using only her nails, her blood rushed and after probably 2 seconds it was gone.

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