CHAPTER 19: I'll Cut Your Balls Off

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We arrived at Anaheim Scholastica's Home for Orphans at night.

My hand was wrapped around Rania's shoulders and the earphone we shared was still playing songs, Matt and I were the only ones awake when we stopped.

"We're here." Matt said softly without no sign of fatigue in his voice.

"Okay, let's wake them up then." I said still not back to our normal-bro-conversation.

I rubbed Rania's shoulder, slightly shaking her.

"Mess with my sleep, I'll cut your balls off." She said, her voice the complete opposite of Matt's, of course she was tired, even in her sleep, she had to make sure the block would not get penetrated by any force.

"I'm sorry babe, but we're here."

"What do you mean, we're here?" She replied sitting up and placing her hair in this messy bun that I like.

"We're in the place where your bestfriend is." I said then she suddenly looked energetic.

"What are we waiting for then? Let's go!" She said wearing a denim jacket over her hoodie because it was cold outside.

"Wait, we can't go there easily, like how we did earlier at the other orphanage." Chase cutted in with a yawn.

"And why not?" Rania aggressively said.

"Because it's midnight, they won't let anyone come in, plus the security is tight here, we'll get interrogated here and held into a cell-like room, they also have security cameras and alarms, not to mention a shit-load of guards roaming every part of it, I must say this is a strict orphanage." Chase said running a hand through his hair.

"And where did you know that?" Matt arched his brow at chase.

"I wasn't just doing anything on my phone, i was doing research on this place, also I found the map or the floor plans, giving me the entire corners and edges of this place." Chase raised his finger and touched Rania's forehead and then to Matt and I, giving us the knowledge of this whole place.

"So what do we do?" Rania asked.

"We'll fly." I suggested.

"But they'll see us." Chase said.

" We'll turn invisible. " matt replied.

"But Zach and I aren't capable of turning invisible." Chase said.

"I have an idea! Remember the Invisibility cloaks that you used to cover the car earlier?" Rania was energetic.

"You mean the camouflage cloths." Chase rolled his eyes.

"Uggh, you guys have to watch Harry Potter! Anyways, you guys use it and Matt and I will just do our thing." Rania said and her idea was absolutely awesome.

Matt turned invisible first and got the cloths from the trunk and gave it to us, Chase and I immediately covered ourselves with it while Rania and Matt turned invisible, great, now we can't see each other anymore, but of course, someone held my hand.

It's me.

She telepathically assured me that it was her holding my hand.

We all flew over the tall, rusty fence that wouldn't allow a burglar to climb. Using the floor plan in our head we found a hidden emergency door and we sneaked in there, it was a door that camouflaged on the brick walls of the asylum looking orphanage, but of course Matt had to put on a little force to open it. We hid behind a big pillar in a dark room.

" So what now? Rania, search your friend."Chase whispered.

I felt Rania focus because her grip tightened on my hand.

"Hold hands." Rania said in a commanding tone so I had to touch chase's calloused, icky, dirty, hand.

I felt my body travel in space and in a second we were in a room that has 2 beds and a few furniture's in it, except there was only 1 girl sleeping on 1 of it.

"How'd you do this? You didn't even have a trace of her and teleporting yourself is already hard, let alone carrying three more people with you." Chase said, showing his geek side.

"Shush. I followed her voice, I'd know that voice anywhere I go, even if I forget her face or our memories, I'd still remember her voice." She said her eyes watering.

And suddenly, just right on time, someone sang. A very beautiful voice filled the room, it came from the window. Rania, let go of my hand for the first time and she walked forward to the window and saw her friend sitting on the roof, I saw tears stream down her face.

"Hannah." her voice so soft it was almost inaudible.

The brunette haired girl turned her head and was confused because there was no one there, then Rania showed herself, Hannah looked like she's seen a ghost, "Hannah, I'm sorry." Rania cried then hugged Hannah who just realized it is really her friend, then she joined the tears.

"Hannah, who are you talking to, who is that girl?" Suddenly the girl from the bed sat up almost ready to panic, Chase ran to her, just in time, to prevent her from screaming.

"You will sleep, and not remember any of these in the morning." Chase whispered to the girls ear then she went back to her bed and closed her eyes.

"Who are these people?" Hannah said scared of us.

"Hannah, they're my friends. I'll explain to you but now, we have to go, I can see people coming here." Rania said holding her friends arm.

"People coming? How'd you know? And where are we gonna go?" Hannah was asking too much so Rania hugged her and they jumped out the window after turning invisible. We followed just in time, covering ourselves with the cloak because the guards we're already opening the door.

As soon as the wind hit my body, I heard a loud, scary shriek coming from Hannah. Rania tried covering her mouth and flew straight to the car.

"Hurry! Drive, drive!!!" Rania's shouts we're everything I heard.

As soon as we were all seated, matt drove like a maniac. Hannah was in the middle of Rania and I and she was scared af.

"Rania, explain to me or I promise I'm gonna faint, I'm scared and shocked as hell. Okay, I'm just gonna go faint now, bye." Hannah was catching her breath and was almost ready to sleep when rania shook her.

"Hannah, I'm a witch and this is Zach, god; Matt, vampire; and Chase also a god." Rania said slowly. Each of us smiling at Hannah as Rania introduced us.

The brunette- haired girl was laughing so badly, her arm grappling her stomach, eyes tearing up. "Seriously Rania, it's okay, you can tell me, where are the cameras? Is this gonna be aired on some TV show or something?"

Rania facepalmed while Chase and I were giggling.

Hannah interchanged on laughing hysterically and almost fainting as Rania told her the whole story starting from when we 'kidnapped' her. Now 2 hours has passed and Hannah was catching up.

Finally, we just have to drive more and return. The drive has been very long, Georgia (Where the haven was) to Virginia(where the orphanage was) to Cali then straight back to Georgia again. My ass hurts already.

That's all bye😘

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