CHAPTER 1: What the hell did i get myself into?

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*Thanks to my friend who made this awesome cover above (although Trey is missing lmao). Anyone who would want to make one for this story, go ahead then DM me when done. ILY guys, enjoy reading*

I was that girl who just did something and didn't care for the effects of it.

I didn't believe in anything. Not that I didn't want to but because there is no time, when you are an abandoned orphan you don't have time for anything else except for being strong, being independent , and of course for chores.

I woke up to the beige wallpaper which is barely ripped halfway of the orphanage walls. With that smell that couldn't be taken away even if you sprayed a bottle of perfume or air freshener around the room. Not to mention,kids just as hopeless as me screaming around each other, throwing stuff at each other, and some just like me, sitting there looking at this mess.

I was three years old when I was left here and now that I am seventeen years older I am safe to say that I am so tired of looking at this chaotic scene. Every morning when I woke up, its always this, instead of waking up to a family, greeting you , offering you food , and thanking god that you woke up. Sadly I could not afford that life.

I sat up and turned my head to my friend, Hannah. A short, skinny girl with short, curly , brunette hair and brown eyes.

She also looked at me and we both exchanged a sigh and a bored "what is this life" look. I nodded to her then we made our bed.

We hurried to the eating area before all the mashed potatoes are gone and thankfully we had a satisfying serving of it.

After washing our dishes we headed to the not so clean bathroom and took a bath, changed to our beige, worn out dresses,that looked like the clothes of maids and proceeded to our chores.

Hannah and I went to the headmistress's office and started pouring soaped water on the window pane with these new wipers they gave us.

"Its quite laughable and depressing that the staff have money to buy new wipers while we are stuck with clothes that are supposed to be thrown away." Said Hannah which of course sent me into heaps of laughs.

We were laughing our hats off when one of the caretakers came in.

"If you stopped laughing and playing with each other you could've finished your work already." The grumpy , old woman said with her hands on her hips.

We woke her up with the loudness of our laughs.
Hannah and I asked for forgiveness but of course the mean caretakers couldn't go without anyone getting punished. I knew Hannah was about to take the blame but as soon as I felt Hannah open her mouth I said that it was my fault for delaying our chore.

The woman who was supposed to take care of me, grabbed me by the ear and led me to the hall with kids watching me. I am quite used to this scene, since I was always the kid who was rascal, which always ended up being punished.

We entered the grand ballroom and she threw me across the room. "You will scrub these floors and at the time I come back, I expect it to be shining." She said while she kicked a bucket of water next to me.

As soon as she left the room, I stood up and grabbed the sponge and started scrubbing this Hades damned Ballroom. This room is about as big as a sports field although I haven't really seen a real field where they play sports before. They used this room when there are auctions, donation events, and balls but these days nothing really happens to this room.

The other side of the room was filled with doors which were open and led to the garden. I was entranced by such beauty and I thought to myself, "I might as well start cleaning here."

I went outside of the room and quickly smelled the fragrance of the flowers, I knelt down on the marble tiled floor and started scrubbing. Until someone or something just put a sac or a bag over my head stealing my sight.

"What are you doing ,who are you!" I screamed so loud but unfortunately no one could hear me because no kid or no caretaker usually comes here that's why I was put here of course.

My kidnapper was a man, as I felt that he was very strong. He started dragging me and I felt we went through a bush that served as the wall for the garden.

"Pheww!" I spit out a few leaves that my mouth caught when we...when he dragged me across the bushes.

He continued dragging me until we halted to a stop. My kidnapper turned into two guys, since I felt another one tying my hands and legs.

They put me inside a trunk of some vehicle as I tried to bang on it. They drove for about half an hour then they stopped the vehicle.

I could feel them walking to me and opening the trunk. The other one held my arm and got me out of the confined place.

I started screaming and punching the arms of my kidnapper.

What the hell did I get myself into?

A/N: Hey guys! Thank you so freaking much for reading this (even for reading this chapter). I would appreciate it so much if you would vote, share and maybe comment on this book. Also read my teen fiction story "Troubled Waters: A Bad Girls Tale" :D

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