CHAPTER 24: We'll be hottest when we get burned

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I opened my eyes, this small movement caused my head to hurt again. The first thing I saw was the whitest ceiling I saw in my whole damn life. Here I am in the infirmary again. I lowered my gaze and saw all of them, and I mean all of them, sitting on chairs surrounding my whole bed.

They all greeted me and I just smiled back.

"Are you feeling better?" Megan said slowly.

"Nope but I have to get to work." I said trying to sit up so that I could start planning my own death.

"What the hell are you doing? You have to rest!" Arabella yelled as the boys tried to make me lay back on the bed.

"I have to do something now, or else people are gonna DIE! I want to do something about it, not just lay around here!" I shouted making all of them shut up.

They all looked somewhere just to avoid eye contact.

"We'll talk to the nurse to release you." Half of the group left then Arabella and a few more went to the Headmistress, they said we'd just meet at lunch leaving me and Zach together.

"Who am I kidding? Saving people, I'm gonna die myself before stepping up to Adeline!" I shouted to myself covering my face with my palms.

"Stop it. You have got to stop thinking negatively." Zach spoke taking my hand away from my face. I looked at him.

"You won't die, cause I'll die too." He added with a grin.

I smiled and I sat up to give him a hug.

*Cough* "Rania, the nurse said it's okay for you to leave." Zach and I looked at the person speaking and they were there, the twins and Megan looking at us.

"Oh, okay." I said embarrassed.

I stood up and went to change into my clothing. I couldn't move properly, it was as if my body is bruised or something. I went out and they were there waiting. Megan looks bored, the twins were sitting in between Megan and Zach, talking endlessly and Zach was just there waiting for me. We walked to the cafeteria with Zach's hand still around my waist steadying my frail-looking self. When we arrived, people just looked at me, what annoyed me is they all had either angry or scared looks. Of course they know what's going on now and who I am.

The five of us headed for the buffet table and waited in line. I was putting fries on my plate when these girls not far from us gossiped about me.

"She's born straight from evil!" One girl whispered.

"IKR! Why is she still here in the haven, she's dangerous to us." Other one said.

I took a deep breath and I was about to walk to them when Zach thankfully blocked me.

"Rania, they don't know anything, they're not worth your energy." He said while I bowed my head.

I nodded, we all started to walk to our table, but I knew that I still had to do something about those girls. When we passed them, I said something.

"You know those dangers you were talking about? Watch out for them tonight." I gave them my brightest smile then Zach came, held me by the waist and smiled at them too, "Bye girls, be safe." He winked at them. I wasn't jealous at all, besides the girls were confused wether they should be in love with Zach or be scared of me but they appeared to do both which was funny.

"Guys, you are the hottest couple of the whole haven!" Ellie linked her arm with mine.

"Not yet, we'll be hottest when we get burned by Adeline's dark fires." I said sarcastically.

"Think positive Rania! We'll win this shit." Ellie let go of my arm and ran to the table where our friends were sitting.

When I was about to sit down on the table, they all looked at me with poker faces.

"What?" I asked sheepishly.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" They all shouted in unison. I even forgot that it was my own birthday today.

I smiled widely as Trey brought a pretty cake, I blew all the candles and closed my eyes to wish for everyone to be fine and for the good to overpower the bad. I wish, magic would just be easy as cinderella. She wished and it came true, I wish that could happen, but real magic isn't like that.

The silent place was filled quickly with voices singing Happy Birthday. I opened my eyes and they were forming a circle around me, smiles on their faces, I looked further and saw that the other kids were whispering and looking awfully at us.

What was their problem with me? It's not like I'm gonna harm them... Well I don't know yet.

"Her mother is as cruel as her grandfather. Barbarous family blood. Grandma says that her Mom would better be dead to this world."

A girl with a thick British accent whispered to someone, but I heard her, I heard her clearly.

I looked over at her direction. A girl with golden curls, brown eyes and rosy cheeks.

Matilde Neice, an Enchantress.

An Enchantress, is like third level Witches.


Basically, they're just low class witches.

I walked over to her and as I neared, her face grew pale.

"What did you say about my Mom? Did your Grandmother know her?"  I said clearly, holding the girls collar.

"N... N... Nothing." She stuttered, I knew for sure that this prissy princess gossip is such a scaredy cat.

"Say it." People were huddling over now.

"My Grandmother was an assistant of the Great White Witch." She said not looking clearly at my eyes.

"Great White who?" I tilted my head.

"The one who trained your Mo.. M... Mom."

I brought my face closer to hers, three inches apart.

"Sarlabium" I whispered closely, my eyes squinting and suddenly her mouth closed shut.

I don't care, no one will punish me, they need me and this girl needs to STFU.

Everyone was shocked, I looked around and all of them tried to avoid my gaze. I was not the ignorant transfer student they knew anymore.

I ran, I knew what I am gonna do, what I have to do.

"Rania! Where the hell are you going?!" Someone yelled over me, I looked back and no one followed me but a lot of students, mostly healers ran to help "Mute Matilde".

I ran as fast as I could, startling students I pass and I went straight to the Headmistresses office.

I violently passed through a student helper in the lobby knocking down all of her papers and busted the office doors.

"Why in the world are you busting in here like a maniac!?" The headmistress stood up from her table.

"I know something that we could at least try!" I said grinning.

"Ok then, I'll do everything in my power to support your ideas." She said standing to hug me while smiling.

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