CHAPTER 15: The Great Escape is not so great at all.

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2 months had already passed but Zach's words on the day of the party still sent butterflies up my stomach whenever it comes to my mind.

I finished all of my training in 2 weeks beating Adeline's record which was 4 weeks. I was getting more and more powerful but Zach said that Addie is still more powerful than me because she finished and mastered her training when she was just 6 years old, as for me, I'm a 17 year old witch ( turning 18 in a few days) who just learned how to control her powers.

Everything is just as wonderful as I thought it would be, I had more friends, I won a few more of trainings but Matt seemed to drift away while Zach is sticking with me like glue now. And as time passed by, Matt grew sadder and sadder.

I thought my happiness would continue until I found out something bad today.


I was sitting outside at the dorms porch because it was very hot and I, for some reason, freaking felt nervous.

"Rania! Look at this! Look at this!" Allie shouted from the house and ran to me.

"What is it?" I asked trying to become calm.

I knew from the moment I woke up that something is going to be wrong.

Allie didn't speak, instead she just gave me her laptop. I read and the blog almost made me faint.

St. Bernice Virginia Orphanage Closing Down

I read further and I saw that they were giving every single child to other orphanages while I was trying hard to blink back tears.

"Do you need anything, water maybe?" She said caressing my back.

"No. it's okay. I just have to be alone for a while." I said then she nodded and went back inside.

I telepathically searched for zach and I found him within 2 seconds.

Zach can I please talk to you? I spoke through my mind to him while I started walking away.

Are you crying?! Where are you? What happened!?

I just, please just meet me at the lake.

I spoke last then I blocked him off my mind, Zach was wasting his energy on me, because he is trying hard to get in my mind even though he knows my power is not gonna be breached.

I teleported to the lake and dropped down on my knees and started crying since no one was really there.

"What's happening and why'd you block me from your mind?!" Zach said hurriedly crouching down next to me.

"Zach, the orphanage... *sob... they're closing it down... sob*... Hannah, she's gonna be given away." I am a crying excuse of a mess.

"It's okay." He said embracing me in his arms and I sobbed on his chest.

"No, it's not. Hannah is going to get imprisoned again and I did nothing to prevent it, I'm not her bestfriend, I'm not there for her right now." I cried more.

"It's gonna be okay, maybe not now, but it will. I'm gonna find a way, I promise." He said stroking my hair.

Zach may be a pain in the ass sometimes, maybe even all the time, but I know that he is a kind person with a heart of gold. When I became calm, Zach bought me fries and after eating non-proper dinner, I teleported back to my room, because I didn't want anyone to see me like this and cause them to worry.

The stars were shining through my window, I was there on a soft bed, with soft sheets, new clothes, and I just skipped dinner while I knew that Hannah and the other kids are starving, freezing, and crying themselves to sleep right now.

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