CHAPTER 39: Who Wouldn't Want to Shove Your Heavy Ass Away?

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"Remember this, we are proud and thankful for you and whatever happens during and after the battle, we will always be. Give all of yourself to the light and serve the light in order to preserve our future. We have always been present even though hidden in the world but we shall remain alive to continue our species and guide the humans. The magic realm's future is in your hands, handle it with care and destroy anyone who wants to taint it. Thank you for your cooperation and may God be with us all."

The clinks of wine glasses along with hoots and shouts of people sounded all over the forest. We were all gathered around the lake, with an enormous amount of food for everyone, this was the last day of relaxing, tomorrow it's all battle, everyone was here to spend time with their families for the fear of never seeing each other again. Everyone is scared, there's no doubting that, me on the other hand was more anxious. I just want to get this over with, to get done and finally live in peace. No more evil twins, no more hectic trainings, no more tight security, no more cheating boyfriends, just peace.

They were all stood up, clapping and shouting in accordance with the Headmistress, while I was there slouching on my chair, looking off into space.

"You might as well celebrate, you know that?"

I looked up to see who was ruining my reverie, and saw that it was the girl with heavy bangs who hated me a week ago. Chelsea.

"I think it's kind of psycho to celebrate now and kill people tomorrow." I said dryly as I swallowed finding my throat to be extremely dry.

"Aren't we already considered psycho, besides if we die tomorrow ate least we would remember something happy." she smiled and I believe that was a real one.

" I thought you hated me?" I looked confused.

"I dislike you and who knows, maybe my kindness only lasts today, might as well take advantage of it huh?" She said reaching out her hand to me.

"You're not going to turn me into stone?"

She shook her head, then I took her hand and she helped me up.  People were starting to jump and randomly dance to music that the fairies orchestrated and for some reason I forgot for some time about the battle and started jumping with the sweaty bodies around me.


10:30 pm

I struck straight up right as my phone started ringing. We leave before 12, the witching hour, it was a half positive - half negative situation since, I get stronger at the time and also does Adeline.

I walked off to my closet and changed into black cargo pants and despite its baginess, it still clung to me almost like my second skin; a white long sleeved shirt; bomber jacket and my combat boots. I gathered my hair into a ponytail, some loose strands framing my face which seemed tired and worn out, dark circles around my eyes, my skin looking a bit pale and my lips slightly chapped and dry. I was a mess, but who even needed to look fashionable when you're going to a hellish battle?

"I thought you were still asleep."

Of course. Megan. She still looked hot despite all the chaos that has happened.

"You won't actually be able to sleep peacefully at our state Meg." I said walking off to her as she wrapped her arm around me.

"Stop stressing out, focus. A lot are already awake, some warming up. Do you want to train a bit as well?" She said as we walked out my door hand in hand.

"Actually, I'll go to my sister to say goodbye I guess." I pursed my lips.

"Do you want me to go with?" She jerked her head to the side.

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